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Title: Accounting for Every Student: A Taxonomy for Standard Student Exit Codes
Description: Today’s public education agencies are being held accountable for student achievement to an unprecedented extent. The current focus on student outcomes—particularly the attention given to graduation and dropout rates—has highlighted the importance of collecting accurate data at the student level. Comprehensive information systems need standard codes to place students who enroll in a specific school within a given district, and to subsequently track any changes in those students’ enrollment status. This guidebook presents “best practice” advice, from members of the National Forum on Education Statistics, for maintaining such information. It was developed to help education agencies develop effective information systems for tracking the enrollment status of students. It is primarily for data managers and accountability directors at state and local education agencies, as well as school administrators responsible for collecting student enrollment and exit data. In addition, researchers and policymakers will find the guidebook useful in making fair comparisons among schools and agencies on issues related to student enrollment, retention, and completion.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: February 2006
Web Release: February 17, 2006
Print Release:
Publication #: NFES 2006804
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General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NFES
Type of Product: Handbook
Survey/Program Areas: National Forum on Education Statistics (NFES)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Handbook, please contact:
Ghedam Bairu.