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Youth Indicators 1996 / Indicator 17, Chart 1

Indicator 17. Family Income

Percentage distribution of families with children under 18, by age of children and family income: 1993

Chart for Indicator 17

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-60, Income, Poverty, and Valuation of Noncash Benefits: 1993, no. 188.

Families with children under 18 have lower incomes than families without children under 18. Families with younger children tend to have lower incomes than families with older children. For example, 27 percent of families with 2 or more children under 6 had incomes of under $15,000 compared to 16 percent of families who had 2 or more children 6 to 17 years old.

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