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Dropout Rates in the United States: 1994

Table A10-Standard errors for Table 10:NELS:88 8th- to 12th-grade cohort dropout rates, by sex and race-ethnicity: 1992


                                      Cohort dropout rate
                              Spring    Spring    Spring    August
Characteristics               1988-90  1990-921   1988-92    1992

    Total                      0.35      0.38       0.47     0.38

  Male                         0.55      0.47       0.56     0.50
  Female                       0.51      0.53       0.66     0.56

Race ethnicity/2
  Asian/Pacific Islander       1.02      1.47       1.47     1.46
  Hispanic                     0.84      1.20       1.31     1.22
  Black, non-Hispanic          1.51      1.07       1.39     1.22
  White, non-Hispanic          0.44      0.40       0.49     0.41
  Native American              2.32      6.22       7.13     4.60

1/The denominator for this rate includes the members of the 1988 8th-grade cohort who were still enrolled in school in the spring of 1990; excluded are students who dropped out between 1988 and 1990 and students who migrated out of the country or died.

2/Not shown separately are 434 persons (approximately 2 percent of the unweighted sample) whose race ethnicity is unknown.

NOTE: This table is based on the fully expanded cohort of eighth graders. This sample includes students excluded in the base year sample, whose sex, race, and dropout status were determined through the Followback Study of Excluded Students.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 Base-Year, First, and Second Followup Survey and 1988, 1990, 1992, and 1994, unpublished data.

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