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Dropout Rates in the United States: 1994

Table A5-Standard errors for Table 5: Rate, number, and distribution of status dropouts, ages 16-24, by sex, race-ethnicity, income, and region: October 1994


                                        Number of               
                          Status         status        Percent      Percent
                          dropout       dropouts       of all         of
Characteristics            rate      (in thousands)   dropouts    population

   Total                   0.28            91             -            -                   

 Male                      0.41            67           1.77         0.62
 Female                    0.38            63           1.91         0.62
Race ethnicity/1
 White, non-Hispanic       0.29            63           1.92         0.50
 Black, non-Hispanic       0.89            43           2.77         0.95
 Hispanic                  1.66            73           3.16         1.24

Family income/2
 Low income level          0.85            50           2.13         0.80
 Middle income level       0.36            70           1.69         0.57
 High income level         0.38            29           2.49         0.77

 Northeast                 0.49            30           2.08         0.68
 Midwest                   0.47            37           2.37         0.76
 South                     0.52            60           2.03         0.72
 West                      0.69            49           2.28         0.80

-Not applicable.

1/Not shown separately are non-Hispanics who are neither black nor white, but who are included in the total.

2/Low income is defined as the bottom 20 percent of all family incomes for 1994; middle income is between 20 and 80 percent of all family incomes; and high income is the top 20 percent of all family incomes.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, October 1994, unpublished data.

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