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Chapter 6: Postsecondary Education

Indicator 40: Academic and Social Integration

Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who had recently graduated from high school, a lower percentage of males (72 percent) than females (77 percent) reported that they sometimes or often met with an advisor during their first year of college. Also, a lower percentage of male (33 percent) than female students (37 percent) reported that they sometimes or often participated in school clubs in their first year. In contrast, a higher percentage of male (35 percent) than female students (23 percent) participated in sports in their first year.

Approximately three quarters (75 percent) of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who had recently graduated from high school reported that they sometimes or often met with an advisor during their first year of college. A lower percentage of male (72 percent) than female (77 percent) students reported such a meeting during their first year. This difference was also observed for White male and female students. No measurable differences by sex were observed for other racial/ethnic groups.

A lower percentage of Hispanic (66 percent) than White (76 percent), Black (76 percent), and Asian (77 percent) beginning postsecondary students reported that they had met with an advisor during their first year of college. This pattern across racial/ethnic groups was also observed separately for male and female students.

Of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who had recently graduated from high school, 35 percent reported that they sometimes or often participated in school clubs during their first year of college. A lower percentage of male (33 percent) than female students (37 percent) participated in school clubs in their first year. This pattern was also observed for White male and female students. No measurable differences by sex were observed for other racial/ethnic groups.

Lower percentages of Hispanics (28 percent) and Blacks (31 percent) than Whites (36 percent), students of two or more races (40 percent), and Asians (46 percent) reported that they had participated in school clubs in their first year of college. Similar patterns across racial/ethnic groups were observed for females. For males, lower percentages of Hispanic (28 percent), Black (29 percent), and White students (34 percent) participated in clubs than did Asian students (43 percent).

Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who had recently graduated from high school, 28 percent reported that they sometimes or often participated in sports during their first year of college. A higher percentage of male (35 percent) than female students (23 percent) participated in sports in their first year. This pattern by sex was also observed for Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and students of two or more races.

Lower percentages of Hispanics (17 percent), Blacks (21 percent), Asians (24 percent), and students of two or more races (26 percent) than Whites (32 percent) reported that they had participated in sports in their first year of college. In addition, the percentage of Hispanics who participated in sports was lower than the percentages of beginning Blacks, Asians, and students of two or more races. This pattern was generally observed for females across racial/ethnic groups, except there was no difference between Hispanics and Blacks. Among male students, lower percentages of beginning Hispanics (23 percent) and Blacks (30 percent) than beginning Whites (38 percent) participated in sports.

Technical Notes

Recent high school graduates refers to students who graduated from high school in year 2003 or 2004. Data in this indicator are for students who enrolled at 2- or 4-year institutions any time between July 1, 2003, and June 30, 2004.


Figure 40-1 Percentage of recent high school graduates attending 2- or 4-year postsecondary institutions who reported meeting with an advisor sometimes or often during their first year, by race/ethnicity and sex: 2003–04

Figure 40-2 Percentage of recent high school graduates attending 2- or 4-year postsecondary institutions who reported participation in school clubs sometimes or often during their first year, by race/ethnicity and sex: 2003–04

Figure 40-3 Percentage of recent high school graduates attending 2- or 4-year postsecondary institutions who reported participation in school sports sometimes or often during their first year, by race/ethnicity and sex: 2003–04

Table E-40-1 Percentage of beginning postsecondary students attending 2- or 4-year institutions who reported participation in various academic activities sometimes or often during their first year, by recent high school graduate status, activity, sex, and race/ethnicity: 2003–04

Table E-40-2 Percentage of recent high school graduates attending 2- or 4-year postsecondary institutions who reported participation in various social activities sometimes or often during their first year, by activity, sex, and race/ethnicity: 2003–04