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Trends in the Use of School Choice: 1993 to 2007
NCES 2010-004
April 2010

Demographic Characteristics of Public Charter School Students in 2007

In addition to collecting information about whether a student's school was public or private and whether the student's parent chose the school or sent the student to his or her assigned school in 2007, NHES also matched the student's NCES school identification number to the Common Core of Data (CCD) to determine whether or not the student's school was a charter school.17 As noted in table 3, some charter school estimates should be interpreted with caution because the estimates are unstable (have coefficients of variation greater than 30 percent) due to small subgroup sample sizes.

NHES data show that about 2 percent of students attended a charter school in 200718 (table 3).

17 About 0.3 percent of the students reported as being in assigned public schools in tables 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9, and 6.3 percent of the students reported as being in chosen public schools in the same tables are also represented in the following discussion about charter school students. A small number of students (0.3 percent) are reported by parents to be in assigned schools, which were later identified as charter schools. For these cases, it is not possible to verify whether or not, for example, the student was assigned to the charter school because of a special situation or if this was a reporting error by the parent. Therefore, the data are presented as reported.
18 Please see appendix A for more information about data and variables that were merged from the CCD.