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NCES Statistical Analysis Report, September 2001: Overview of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Districts: School Year 1999-2000

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Table 10. - Number and percentage of public school students participating in selected programs, by state: School year 1999-2000
State Number of students with IEPs Percentage of students with IEPs Number of students receiving LEP services Percentage of students receiving LEP services Number of students receiving migrant services school year1 Number of students receiving migrant services summer Number of students eligible for free- orr educed-price meals Percentage of all students eligible for free- or reduced-price meals
United States 5,810,658 12.4 - - - - - -
Alabama 98,835 13.5 7,911 1.1 6,322 2,846 328,183 45.0
Alaska 17,503 13.0 - - 9,856 1,258 34,503 25.7
Arizona 89,987 10.6 125,301 14.7 - - - -
Arkansas 53,632 11.9 9,102 2.0 - 1,242 204,740 45.4
California 643,243 10.8 1,442,277 24.2 - - 2,806,614 47.1
Colorado 71,895 10.2 - - 8,216 3,611 195,928 27.7
Connecticut 74,722 13.5 20,188 3.6 3,950 2,420 127,614 23.0
Delaware 16,125 14.1 1,617 1.4 - 279 37,120 32.9
District of Columbia 9,881 12.8 8,706 11.3 607 607 41,812 54.2
Florida 354,289 14.9 167,779 7.0 40,629 9,479 1,054,044 44.3
Georgia 154,586 10.9 44,393 3.1 20,255 3,924 611,014 42.9
Hawaii 21,138 11.4 12,289 6.6 0 39 72,457 39.0
Idaho 28,880 11.8 17,721 7.2 7,120 4,481 79,197 32.3
Illinois 281,028 13.9 122,365 6.0 - - - -
Indiana 150,591 15.2 - - - - 273,608 27.7
Iowa 71,066 14.2 4,821 1.0 2,508 450 130,931 26.5
Kansas 59,490 12.7 11,898 2.5 - - 149,718 32.2
Kentucky 91,307 14.1 - - - 6,209 299,613 47.6
Louisiana 94,992 12.6 9,031 1.2 4,877 3,924 442,320 58.5
Maine 31,536 14.7 - - - - 62,565 29.9
Maryland 110,742 13.1 17,055 2.0 - 323 251,165 29.7
Massachusetts 161,207 16.6 44,828 4.6 1,427 1,427 238,636 24.6
Michigan 81,588 34.8 - - - - 505,856 30.5
Minnesota 107,282 12.5 35,810 4.2 1,489 1,809 219,385 25.7
Mississippi 61,935 12.4 4,949 1.0 2,372 185 316,818 63.3
Missouri 134,210 14.7 8,157 0.9 2,833 517 312,863 34.2
Montana 18,978 12.0 - - - - 48,948 30.9
Nebraska 43,472 15.1 9,144 3.2 3,551 1,093 86,031 29.8
Nevada 35,867 11.0 - - 191 - 89,525 27.5
New Hampshire 27,895 13.5 1,914 0.9 - - 32,885 15.9
New Jersey 82,301 36.4 - - - - 364,578 28.3
New Mexico 60,739 18.7 58,174 17.9 - 723 165,172 50.9
New York 418,672 14.5 50,063 1.7 - - 1,230,162 42.6
North Carolina 172,466 13.5 37,265 2.9 - 6,371 497,886 39.0
North Dakota 13,405 11.9 - - 381 533 32,350 28.7
Ohio 226,027 12.2 322 - - - 501,121 26.6
Oklahoma 82,999 13.2 35,647 5.7 - 741 285,467 45.5
Oregon 61,723 11.3 35,027 6.4 18,245 2,780 185,854 34.1
Pennsylvania 215,329 11.9 - - - - 521,009 28.7
Rhode Island 28,993 18.5 9,220 5.9 170 170 51,474 32.9
South Carolina 91,333 13.7 3,379 0.5 - 731 307,524 46.1
South Dakota 15,980 12.2 4,659 3.6 1,997 206 36,978 28.2
Tennessee 134,581 14.8 - - - - - -
Texas 482,427 12.1 555,334 13.9 116,011 - 1,783,820 44.7
Utah 55,389 11.6 37,275 7.8 2,146 2,943 132,117 27.6
Vermont 12,348 11.8 821 0.8 726 697 23,493 22.5
Virginia 157,024 13.9 21,787 1.9 999 304 336,627 29.7
Washington 118,117 11.8 - - - - - -
West Virginia 50,314 17.2 - - - - 145,393 49.8
Wisconsin 120,598 13.7 - - - - 219,322 25.0
Wyoming 11,991 13.0 2,267 2.5 - - 25,936 28.1
Outlying areas, DOD Dependents Schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs
DODDS: DOD Overseas 5,683 7.7 4,666 6.4 - - - -
DDESS: DOD Domestic 31 0.1 1,927 5.7 - - - -
Bureau of Indian Affairs - - - - - - - -
American Samoa 648 4.2 15,013 97.0 - - 215,384 299.4
Guam 2,384 7.2 13,574 41.2 - - 12,448 37.9
Northern Marianas 506 5.2 - - - - 24,464 248.6
Puerto Rico 58,797 9.6 - - 467 467 2497,501 281.2
Virgin Islands 1,450 6.9 1,070 5.1 - - - -
- Data are missing.
Migrant students include those who were enrolled at any time during the previous (1998-1999) regular school year. They are reported for each school in which they enroll; because this is a duplicated count, the table does not show migrants as a percentage of all students. Hawaii did not have a migrant education program in 1998-1999.
2 American Samoa, Northern Marianas, and Puerto Rico did not report students eligible for reduced-price meals. See technical notes.
3 Michigan and New Jersey report an undercount of students with IEPs.

NOTE: Percentages are based on schools and agencies reporting. Percentages are rounded to the nearest tenth and may not add to 100. Percentages of less than 0.05 are rounded to 0.0. U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data, "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 1999-2000 and "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," 1999-2000.

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