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EDUCATION INDICATORS: An International Perspective

List of Figures

1a. Public and private enrollment in formal education per 100 persons in the population 5-29 years of age, by G-7 country: 1992

1b. Percentage distribution of education enrollment of 5- to 29-year-olds among levels of formal education, by G-7 country: 1992

2. Enrollment rates in early childhood education, by age and G-7 country: 1992

3. Percentage enrolled in secondary education, by age and G-7 country: 1992

4. Percentage enrolled in nonuniversity higher education, by age group and G-7 country: 1992

5. Percentage enrolled in university education, by age group and G-7 country: 1992

6. Percentage enrolled in upper secondary or higher education, by age and G-7 country: 1992

7. Average reading literacy scale scores, by domain, age, and G-7 country: 1991-1992

8a. Average proficiency scores in mathematics, by age and selected country: 1991

8b. Average proficiency scores in science, by age and selected country: 1991

9a. Average percent correct for 13-year-olds on geography items, by sex and country: 1991

9b. Average percent correct for 13-year-olds on geography items, by content area and country: 1991

10a. Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels, by country: 1994

10b. Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels (prose scale), by age and country: 1994

11. Percentage of the population 25-64 years of age that has completed a specific highest level of education, by G-7 country: 1992

12. Percentage of the population within various age groups having completed at least an upper secondary level of education, by G-7 country: 1992

13. Women as a percentage of the total population 25-64 years of age who have completed various levels of education, by highest level of education completed and G-7 country: 1992

14a. Science and engineering degrees as a percentage of all university degrees awarded, by G-7 country: 1992

14b. Science degrees awarded per 100,000 25- to 34-year-olds in the labor force by G-7 country: 1992

15. Labor force participation rate of persons 25-64 years of age who have attained various levels of education, by the highest level of education completed and G-7 country: 1992

16a. Labor force participation rate of 25- to 64-year-old males and females, by G-7 country: 1992

16b. Labor force participation rate of 25- to 64-year-old males and females, by highest level of education attainment and G-7 country: 1992

17. Ratio of mean annual earnings of 25- to 64-year-olds by highest level of education attainment to mean annual earnings at the upper secondary level, by sex and selected country: 1992

18. Ratio of mean annual earnings of females to males, by highest level of education attainment, age group, and selected country: various years

19. Unemployment rates for 25- to 64-year-olds, by highest level of education attainment and G-7 country: 1992

20a. Decisions made by level of governance as a percentage of all decisions (public lower secondary) in France, Germany, and the United States: 1991

20b. Decisions involving the school level as a percentage of all decisions, by mode and country: 1991

21. Average class size for 13-year-olds, by country: 1991

22. Average years of teaching experience for teachers of 9- and 14-year-olds, by G-7 country: school year 1991-92

23a. Average number of students enrolled per preprimary-secondary education institution, by G-7 country: various years

23b. Average number of students enrolled per institution of higher education, by G-7 country: various years

24a. Average hours of formal instruction per year for 13-year-olds, by selected country: 1991

24b. Average hours of instruction per week in mathematics and science for 13-year-olds, by selected country: 1991

25a. Percentage of 9- and 13-year-old students who reported doing 2 or more hours of homework per day, by selected country: 1991

25b. Percentage of 9- and 13-year-olds who reported doing at least 4 hours of mathematics or science homework weekly, by selected country: 1991

26. Percentage of 13-year-old students who took a mathematics or science test or quiz at least once a week, by selected country: 1991

27. Percentage of students who never conduct science experiments, by age and selected country: 1992

28. Percentage of 13-year-old students who reported ever using calculators in school, by selected country: 1991

29a. Percentage of schools using computers for instructional purposes, by education level and selected G-7 country: 1989

29b. Ratio of students to computers, by education level and selected G-7 country: 1989

30a. Land area, by G-7 country: 1991

30b. Population, by G-7 country: 1991

31. Percentage of the Population 5-29 years of age by G-7 country: 1992

32. Percentage of 9- and 14-year-olds who say that they usually speak a language other than the official school language at home, by G-7 country: 1991

33. GDP per capita (in 1990 U.S. dollars), by G-7 country: 1992

34. Productivity as a percentage of U.S. productivity, by country: 1961-91

35. Percentage of children in poverty, before and after tax and transfers, by country: various years

36. Percentage of students with fewer than 25 books in their home, by selected country: 1991

37. Percentage of 13-year-old students who receive help at home with mathematics or science homework, by selected country: 1991

38. Teaching and nonteaching staff employed in education as a percentage of the labor force, by selected country: 1992

39. Ratio of students to teaching staff, by level of education and G-7 country: 1992

40. Ratio of teacher salary to GDP per capita, by education level, career point, and G-7 country: 1992

41. Current public expenditure on education as a percentage of total public expenditure, by education level and G-7 country: 1992

42. Current public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP, by education level and G-7 country: 1992

43. Current public expenditure per student (in constant 1991-92 U.S. dollars) and relative to GDP per capita, by education level and G-7 country: 1992

44. Distribution of current public expenditure on education, by education level and G-7 country: 1992

45a. Distribution of public education expenditure on primary and secondary education, by initial source of funds and G-7 country, 1992

45b. Distribution of public and private education expenditure at the higher education level, by initial source of funds and G-7 country: 1992

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