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Dropout Rates in the United States: 1995

Appendix A
Standard Error and Time Series Tables

A1.  Standard errors and population sizes for Table 1: Event dropout and persistence rates and number and distribution of dropouts from grades 1012, ages 1524, by sex, raceethnicity, income, and region: October 1995

A2.  Standard errors for Table 2: Event dropout and persistence rates and number and distribution of dropouts from grades 1012, ages 1524, by age group: October 1995

A3.  Standard errors for Table 3: Membership, dropout counts and event dropout rates for grades 9-12, 1993-94

A4.  Standard errors for Table 4: Rate and number of status dropouts, ages 1624: October 1991 through October 1995

A5.  Standard errors for Table 5: Rate, number, and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by sex, raceethnicity, income, and region: October 1995

A6.  Standard errors for Table 6: Percentage distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by level of schooling attained and raceethnicity: October 1995

A7.  Standard errors for Table 7: Status dropout rate, ages 1624, by income and raceethnicity: October 1995

A8.  Standard errors for Table 8: Status dropout rate, ages 1624, by region and raceethnicity: October 1995

A9.  Standard errors for Table 9: NELS:88 8th- to 12th-grade cohort dropout rates, by sex and raceethnicity:1992

A10.  Standard errors for Table 10: HS&B and NELS:88 10th- to 12th-grade cohort dropout rates, by demographic characteristics: August 1982 and 1992

A11.  Standard errors for Table 11: High school completion rates and method of completion of 18- through 24-year-olds not currently enrolled in high school or below, by raceethnicity: October 1990 through October 1995

A12.  Standard errors for Table 12: Completion rates and number and distribution of completers, ages 1824, by sex, raceethnicity, income, and region: October 1995

A13.  Standard errors for Table 13: High school completion rates of 18- through 24-year-olds not currently enrolled in high school or below by state: October 199092 and 199395

A14.  Standard errors for Table 14: High school completion rates and method of completion of 18- through 24-year-olds not currently enrolled in high school or below, by income level: October 1995

A15.  Standard errors for Table 15: Rate, number, and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by race-ethnicity and place of birth: October 1995

A16.  Standard errors for Table 16: Rate, number, and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by enrollment in U.S. schools and race-ethnicity: October 1995

A17.  Standard errors for Table 17: Rate, number, and distribution of Hispanics, ages 1624, by enrollment in U.S. schools, dropout status and place of birth: October 1995

A18.  Standard errors for Table 18: Rate, number, and distribution of Hispanic status dropouts, ages 1624, by language spoken at home: October 1995

A19.  Standard errors for Table 19: Rate, number, and distribution of Hispanics, ages 1624, by language spoken at home, enrollment in U.S. schools, dropout status, and school completion status: October 1995

A20.  Standard errors for Table 20: Rate, number, and distribution of Hispanic status dropouts who speak Spanish at home, ages 1624, by enrollment in U.S. schools and English language ability: October 1995

A21.  Standard errors for Table 21: Rate, number, and distribution of Hispanic status dropouts, ages 1624, by language spoken at home, English language ability, and enrollment in ESL classes: October 1995

A22.  Standard errors for Table 22: Rate, number, and distribution of Hispanics who speak Spanish at home, ages 1624, with limited English speaking ability, by enrollment in ESL classes and enrollment in U.S. schools: October 1995

A23.  Standard errors for Table 23: Distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by highest level of education completed: October 1995

A24.  Standard errors for Table 24: Rate of retention, ages 1624, by background characteristics: October 1992 and October 1995

A25.  Standard errors for Table 25: Rate, number, and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by repetition of grade(s): October 1995

A26.  Standard errors for Table 26: Rate and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by retention status, sex, race, region, and income: October 1995

A27.  Standard errors for Table 27: Rate of status dropouts, ages 1624, by retention status, sex, race, region, and income: October 1995

A28.  Standard errors for Table 28: Rate and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by timing of first retention: October 1995

A29.  Standard errors for Table 29: Rate, number, and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by disabling condition(s): October 1995

A30.  Standard errors for Table 30: Rate and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by sex and disabling condition(s): October 1995

A31.  Standard errors for Table 31: Status dropout rate, ages 1624, by race-ethnicity and disabling condition(s): October 1995

A32.  Standard errors for Table 32: Status dropout rates for 16- to 24- year-olds by retention status and disabling condition(s): October 1995

A33.  Supporting data for Figure 1: Event dropout rates for grades 1012, ages 1524, by raceethnicity: October 1972 through October 1995

A34.  Standard errors for Figure 1: Event dropout rates for grades 1012, ages 1524, by raceethnicity: October 1972 through October 1995

A35.  Supporting data for Figure 2: Event dropout rates from grades 1012, ages 1524, by income: October 1972 through October 1995

A36.  Standard errors for Figure 2: Event dropout rates from grades 1012, ages 1524, by income: October 1972 through October 1995

A37.  Supporting data for Figure 3: Status dropout rates for persons ages 1624, by raceethnicity: October 1972 through October 1995

A38.  Standard errors for Figure 3: Status dropout rates for persons ages 1624, by raceethnicity: October 1972 through October 1995

A39.  Supporting data for Figure 4: Completion rates for persons ages 1824 not currently in high school or below, by raceethnicity: October 1972 through October 1995

A40.  Standard errors for Figure 4: Completion rates for persons ages 1824 not currently enrolled in high school or below, by raceethnicity: October 1972 through October 1995

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