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Education Statistics Quarterly
Vol 4, Issue 3, Topic: Crosscutting Statistics
Projections of Education Statistics to 2012
By: Debra E. Gerald and William J. Hussar
This article was originally published as the Foreword and Highlights of the Compendium report of the same name. The universe and sample survey data are from many sources, both government and private, which are listed at the end of this article.


Projections of Education Statistics to 2012 is the 31st report in a series begun in 1964. This report provides revisions of projections shown in Projections of Education Statistics to 2011 (Gerald and Hussar 2001) and includes statistics on elementary and secondary schools and degree-granting institutions. Included are projections of enrollments and graduates to the year 2012. Projections of teachers and expenditures are not included in this edition, but they are available in Projections of Education Statistics to 2011.

In addition to projections at the national level, the report includes projections of public elementary and secondary school enrollment and public high school graduates to the year 2012 at the state level. These projections were produced by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to provide researchers, policy analysts, and others with state-level projections developed using a consistent methodology. They are not intended to supplant detailed projections prepared in individual states.


Assumptions regarding the population and the economy are the key factors underlying the projections of education statistics. The projections do not reflect changes in national, state, or local education policies that may affect enrollment levels.

The full report contains a methodology section describing models and assumptions used to develop the national and state-level projections. The enrollment models use enrollment data and population estimates and projections from NCES and the U.S. Census Bureau. The models are based on the mathematical projection of past data patterns into the future. The models also use projections of economic variables from the company DRI-WEFA, Inc., an economic forecasting service.

The population projections are not based on the 2000 census data. Projections of national population data based on the 2000 census are not scheduled for release until fall 2002. The projections presented in this report reflect revisions influenced by the 1990 census, incorporation of the 2000 estimates, and the latest assumptions for the fertility rate, internal migration, net immigration, and the mortality rate.

Most of the projections of education statistics include three alternatives, based on different assumptions about demographic and economic growth paths. Although the first alternative set of projections (middle alternative) in each table is deemed to represent the most likely projections, the low and high alternatives provide a reasonable range of outcomes.

Summary information

Highlights of projected changes in key education statistics are presented below. A convenient summary of the projections in this report is available in a pocket-sized booklet, Pocket Projections: Projections of Education Statistics to 2012 (Hussar and Gerald 2002).

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Highlights of Changes Between 2000 and 2012

Public and private elementary and secondary enrollment—1 percent increase

Total public and private elementary and secondary enrollment is projected to increase from 53.2 million in 2000 to 53.9 million in 2005 (table A). Then total enrollment is projected to decrease to 53.5 million in 2010, followed by an increase to 53.7 million in 2012, resulting in an overall increase of 1 percent from 2000.

Public and private K–8 enrollment—less than 1 percent decrease

Total public and private K–8 enrollment is projected to remain around 38.4 million between 2000 and 2002 (table A). Then total K–8 enrollment is projected to decrease to 37.7 million in 2008, followed by an increase to 38.3 million in 2012, resulting in an overall decrease of less than 1 percent from 2000.

Public and private 9–12 enrollment—4 percent increase

Total public and private 9–12 enrollment is projected to increase from 14.8 million in 2000 to 16.1 million in 2007 (table A). Then total 9–12 enrollment is projected to decrease to 15.4 million in 2012, resulting in an overall increase of 4 percent from 2000.

Public school enrollment in grades 10, 11, and 12—more than 4 percent increase

Between 2000 and 2012, public school enrollment in grade 10 is projected to increase by 4 percent. Over the same period, enrollments in grades 11 and 12 are expected to increase 5 and 8 percent, respectively.

Public school enrollment in grades 1, 8, and 9—less than 4 percent increase

Between 2000 and 2012, public school enrollment in grade 1 is projected to increase 2 percent. Over the same period, enrollments in grades 8 and 9 are projected to increase 2 and 3 percent, respectively.

Public school enrollment in the Western region—9 percent increase

Between 2000 and 2012, public elementary and secondary enrollment is projected to increase 9 percent in the West and 1 percent in the South. Over the same period, in the Northeast and Midwest, enrollment is projected to decrease 5 and 4 percent, respectively.

Enrollment in degree-granting institutions—15 percent increase

Enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions is projected to increase from 15.3 million in 2000 to 17.7 million by 2012, an increase of 15 percent. A 12 percent increase is projected under the low alternative and a 19 percent increase is projected under the high alternative (figure A).

High school graduates—9 percent increase

Graduates from public and private high schools are projected to increase from 2.8 million in 1999–2000 to 3.1 million by 2011–12, an increase of 9 percent. This increase reflects the projected rise in the 18-year-old population.

Public high school graduates in the Western region—17 percent increase

Between 1999–2000 and 2011–12, the number of public high school graduates is projected to increase 17 percent in the West and 11 percent in the South. Graduates in the Northeast and the Midwest are projected to increase 8 and 1 percent, respectively, over the same period.

Bachelor's degrees—16 percent increase

The number of bachelor's degrees is expected to increase from 1.2 million in 1999–2000 to 1.4 million by 2011–12, an increase of 16 percent.

Figure A.—Enrollment in degree-granting institutions, with alternative projections: Fall 1987 to fall 2012
Figure A.- Enrollment in degree-granting institutions, with alternative projections: Fall 1987 to fall 2012

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys; and Enrollment in Degree-Granting Institutions Model. (Originally published as figure 15 on p. 29 of the complete report from which this article is excerpted.)

Table A.—Enrollment in grades K–8 and 9–12 of elementary and secondary schools, by control of institution, with projections: Fall 1987 to fall 2012 (In thousands)
Year Total Public Private
K–121 K–81 9–12 K–121 K–81 9–12 K–121 K–81 9–12
45,487 32,165 13,323 40,008 27,933 12,076 5,479 4,232 1,247
45,430 32,537 12,893 40,188 28,501 11,687 5,242 4,036 1,206
45,741 33,187 12,554 40,543 29,152 11,390 5,198 4,035 1,163
46,451 33,962 12,488 41,217 29,878 11,338 5,234 4,084 1,150
47,322 34,619 12,703 42,047 30,506 11,541 5,275 4,113 1,162
48,145 35,264 12,882 42,823 31,088 11,735 5,322 4,175 1,147
48,813 35,719 13,093 43,465 31,504 11,961 5,348 4,215 1,132
49,609 36,233 13,376 44,111 31,898 12,213 5,498 4,335 1,163
50,502 36,806 13,697 44,840 32,341 12,500 5,662 4,465 1,197
51,375 37,316 14,060 45,611 32,764 12,847 5,764 4,551 1,213
51,968 37,696 14,272 46,127 33,073 13,054 5,841 4,623 1,218
52,476 38,048 14,427 46,539 33,346 13,193 5,937 4,702 1,235
52,875 38,254 14,623 46,857 33,489 13,369 6,018 4,765 1,254
53,167 38,387 14,780 47,223 33,709 13,514 5,944 4,678 1,266
53,369 38,414 14,954 47,424 33,746 13,678 5,944 4,668 1,276
53,566 38,416 15,150 47,613 33,756 13,857 5,953 4,660 1,292
53,700 38,320 15,380 47,746 33,677 14,069 5,954 4,644 1,310
53,800 38,120 15,680 47,846 33,500 14,346 5,954 4,620 1,334
53,866 37,917 15,948 47,912 33,315 14,597 5,954 4,603 1,351
53,862 37,765 16,097 47,912 33,174 14,739 5,950 4,592 1,358
53,789 37,666 16,123 47,847 33,078 14,768 5,942 4,588 1,355
53,652 37,661 15,991 47,719 33,069 14,649 5,933 4,592 1,341
53,538 37,726 15,812 47,607 33,122 14,485 5,931 4,604 1,327
53,498 37,869 15,629 47,561 33,244 14,317 5,937 4,625 1,313
53,538 38,039 15,500 47,586 33,389 14,197 5,952 4,649 1,303
53,692 38,258 15,434 47,715 33,578 14,137 5,977 4,680 1,297

1Includes most kindergarten and some nursery school enrollment.

2Private school numbers are interpolated based on data from the 1985 Private School Survey.

3Private school numbers are from the Private School Universe Survey.

4Private school numbers are interpolated based on data from the Private School Universe Survey.

NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics: Key Statistics on Public Elementary and Secondary Schools; Common Core of Data (CCD) surveys; 1985 Private School Survey; Private School Universe Survey (PSS), various years; and National Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Model. (Originally published as table 1 on p.12 of the complete report from which this article is excerpted.)

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Gerald, D.E., and Hussar, W.J. (2001). Projections of Education Statistics to 2011 (NCES 2001–083). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Hussar, W.J., and Gerald, D.E. (2002). Pocket Projections: Projections of Education Statistics to 2012 (NCES 2002–033). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.

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Data sources:

NCES: Common Core of Data (CCD); Private School Universe Survey (PSS); Key Statistics on Public Elementary and Secondary Schools; National Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Model; State Public Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Model; "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS); Enrollment in Degree-Granting Institutions Model; Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Education Statistics, Early Estimates; Projections of Education Statistics, various years; National Elementary and Secondary High School Graduates Model; State Public High School Graduates Model; "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" surveys; and Earned Degrees Conferred Model.

U.S. Bureau of the Census: Current Population Reports; "National Population Estimates," December 2001; and "Annual Projections of Total Resident Population," 1999–2100.

Other: DRI-WEFA, Inc. (an economic forecasting service).

For technical information, see the complete report:

Gerald, D.E., and Hussar, W.J. (2002). Projections of Education Statistics to 2012 (NCES 2002–030).

Author affiliations: D.E. Gerald and W.J. Hussar, NCES.

For questions about content, contact William J. Hussar (

To obtain the complete report (NCES 2002–030), call the toll-free ED Pubs number (877–433–7827), visit the NCES Electronic Catalog (, or contact GPO (202–512–1800).

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