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Table 328.Current-fund revenue of public institutions of higher education, by source of funds and state: 1992-93 [In thousands of dollars]

                      |             |            |    Federal    |     State     |     Local     |  Private  |         |            |            |Educational
        State         |    Total    |  Tuition   |appropriations,|appropriations,|appropriations,|  gifts,   |Endowment| Auxiliary  | Hospitals  |activities
                      |             |    and     |  grants, and  |  grants, and  |  grants, and  |grants, and| income  |enterprises |            | and other
                      |             |    fees    | contracts\1\  |   contracts   |   contracts   | contracts |         |            |            |
          1           |      2      |     3      |       4       |       5       |       6       |     7     |    8    |     9      |     10     |    11
   United States .....|$108,186,484 |$19,490,221 |   $11,655,011 |   $39,789,641 |    $4,040,897 |$4,330,112 |$667,711 |$10,255,044 |$11,791,033 |$6,166,815
Alabama ..............|   2,521,938 |    364,208 |       268,543 |       772,713 |        10,002 |   107,008 |  17,486 |    181,805 |    706,423 |    93,751
Alaska ...............|     323,740 |     37,986 |        51,315 |       178,497 |         1,507 |     8,326 |   2,618 |     18,976 |          0 |    24,514
Arizona ..............|   1,677,711 |    347,776 |       221,936 |       596,087 |       173,105 |    86,518 |   9,071 |    190,599 |          0 |    52,621
Arkansas .............|     995,482 |    140,941 |        71,910 |       404,957 |           623 |    31,953 |   1,330 |     90,232 |    209,169 |    44,367
California ...........|  14,262,239 |  1,608,616 |     1,312,300 |     5,914,065 |     1,114,074 |   407,246 |  90,849 |    901,061 |  1,782,484 | 1,131,545
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
Colorado .............|   1,714,698 |    482,504 |       299,613 |       476,829 |        26,995 |    80,960 |   8,913 |    212,062 |     34,863 |    91,959
Connecticut ..........|     976,380 |    204,407 |        70,248 |       348,823 |           556 |    37,220 |     491 |    101,017 |    168,589 |    45,029
Delaware .............|     446,768 |    147,230 |        45,249 |       130,215 |         3,867 |    18,774 |  21,445 |     56,700 |          0 |    23,289
District of Columbia .|     118,865 |     28,859 |         7,228 |             0 |        76,258 |       308 |   1,283 |        603 |          0 |     4,327
Florida ..............|   3,202,499 |    592,468 |       292,452 |     1,699,701 |        14,743 |   189,874 |  40,253 |    292,430 |          0 |    80,579
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
Georgia ..............|   2,268,331 |    361,389 |       228,337 |     1,030,941 |        24,620 |   124,694 |   4,462 |    202,427 |    226,927 |    64,535
Hawaii ...............|     594,752 |     48,659 |        92,094 |       378,384 |           601 |    13,503 |   1,429 |     49,037 |          0 |    11,045
Idaho ................|     416,359 |     65,232 |        38,808 |       197,411 |         7,794 |    23,968 |   8,222 |     44,483 |          0 |    30,441
Illinois .............|   3,924,599 |    712,345 |       358,133 |     1,386,402 |       379,410 |   138,448 |   3,299 |    407,848 |    238,786 |   299,928
Indiana ..............|   2,882,592 |    596,565 |       218,820 |       968,430 |         6,494 |   137,563 |   9,197 |    449,794 |    341,524 |   154,206
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
Iowa .................|   1,930,399 |    279,291 |       254,716 |       590,852 |        24,503 |    68,557 |   1,896 |    195,320 |    397,540 |   117,723
Kansas ...............|   1,350,052 |    231,801 |       121,960 |       476,753 |       105,539 |    28,060 |  30,706 |    118,810 |    161,835 |    74,588
Kentucky .............|   1,576,644 |    261,195 |       112,124 |       670,197 |         7,147 |    33,926 |   6,116 |    131,332 |    215,173 |   139,434
Louisiana ............|   1,821,190 |    319,550 |       105,079 |       650,344 |         2,433 |    45,836 |   1,002 |    197,296 |    316,185 |   183,464
Maine ................|     384,730 |     89,324 |        33,870 |       174,502 |           264 |    11,598 |   1,782 |     52,185 |          0 |    21,204
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
Maryland .............|   1,913,029 |    468,210 |       217,724 |       728,205 |       113,876 |    68,669 |   4,021 |    233,620 |          0 |    78,703
Massachusetts ........|   1,639,854 |    452,851 |       135,629 |       547,420 |         2,802 |    51,690 |     935 |    140,277 |    177,105 |   131,144
Michigan .............|   5,329,224 |  1,196,982 |       518,493 |     1,487,865 |       197,739 |   256,593 |  25,597 |    771,221 |    639,010 |   235,724
Minnesota ............|   2,363,483 |    404,287 |       249,881 |       856,739 |         9,067 |   161,832 |  16,693 |    204,218 |    300,179 |   160,586
Mississippi ..........|   1,150,201 |    203,263 |       140,205 |       410,776 |        30,714 |    34,923 |     956 |    148,437 |    134,582 |    46,347
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
Missouri .............|   1,698,594 |    386,254 |       106,934 |       587,986 |        61,235 |    57,598 |  10,640 |    168,246 |    188,077 |   131,624
Montana ..............|     349,102 |     61,148 |        56,923 |       128,445 |         4,010 |     9,930 |     311 |     64,448 |          0 |    23,887
Nebraska .............|     989,156 |    130,924 |        78,803 |       353,186 |        48,226 |    50,262 |   2,873 |    103,262 |    187,780 |    33,840
Nevada ...............|     392,258 |     63,352 |        50,367 |       192,460 |         4,740 |    22,325 |   1,393 |     30,997 |          0 |    26,626
New Hampshire ........|     348,839 |    137,307 |        37,237 |        77,595 |         1,953 |    14,538 |   1,794 |     63,623 |          0 |    14,793
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
New Jersey ...........|   2,745,100 |    567,701 |       157,525 |     1,058,237 |       162,968 |    90,639 |   9,769 |    214,193 |    358,699 |   125,369
New Mexico ...........|   1,125,366 |    100,406 |       217,114 |       368,785 |        49,393 |    58,299 |  12,954 |     81,072 |    176,676 |    60,667
New York .............|   6,117,555 |  1,299,154 |       417,160 |     2,616,728 |       387,273 |   226,438 |  15,410 |    359,980 |    656,593 |   138,819
North Carolina .......|   3,113,193 |    350,968 |       348,575 |     1,524,786 |        76,406 |   152,130 |  12,222 |    408,522 |          0 |   239,584
North Dakota .........|     431,464 |     79,459 |        63,377 |       151,143 |           206 |    17,851 |   2,023 |     71,468 |     11,814 |    34,122
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
Ohio .................|   4,628,902 |  1,222,095 |       330,888 |     1,319,208 |        85,735 |   182,860 |  33,532 |    423,491 |    835,094 |   195,999
Oklahoma .............|   1,209,863 |    183,950 |       161,067 |       583,977 |        14,559 |    34,727 |   1,461 |    192,235 |          0 |    37,888
Oregon ...............|   1,615,882 |    249,909 |       213,499 |       484,275 |       128,251 |    70,106 |   6,632 |    146,914 |    263,063 |    53,232
Pennsylvania .........|   4,262,533 |  1,246,946 |       447,056 |     1,064,949 |        75,094 |   172,137 |  32,934 |    449,398 |    593,632 |   180,388
Rhode Island .........|     325,003 |    108,328 |        39,983 |       117,062 |             0 |     5,902 |       0 |     43,184 |          0 |    10,544
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
South Carolina .......|   1,733,468 |    305,566 |       138,497 |       595,843 |        22,550 |    71,868 |   2,147 |    171,629 |    372,704 |    52,665
South Dakota .........|     241,536 |     56,751 |        36,104 |        97,242 |            22 |     6,232 |      16 |     27,469 |          0 |    17,701
Tennessee ............|   1,839,384 |    290,606 |       170,501 |       741,326 |        11,899 |    80,643 |  15,302 |    158,710 |    298,253 |    72,145
Texas ................|   7,126,068 |  1,009,538 |       736,402 |     3,118,048 |       281,364 |   328,240 | 132,436 |    511,731 |    240,280 |   768,030
Utah .................|   1,224,127 |    154,464 |       171,830 |       363,909 |        21,238 |    32,778 |   8,509 |     99,863 |    223,361 |   148,175
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
Vermont ..............|     305,477 |    132,773 |        37,559 |        46,439 |            78 |    22,721 |   3,711 |     36,338 |          0 |    25,857
Virginia .............|   3,176,437 |    649,903 |       269,765 |       836,957 |        12,796 |   145,689 |  28,854 |    423,486 |    749,682 |    59,306
Washington ...........|   2,539,934 |    385,943 |       433,598 |       976,065 |         8,504 |   123,661 |   8,788 |    227,848 |    240,084 |   135,442
West Virginia ........|     631,619 |    154,432 |        59,574 |       294,996 |         1,392 |    19,258 |     141 |     80,510 |          0 |    21,316
Wisconsin ............|   2,775,635 |    480,399 |       336,220 |       888,921 |       233,042 |   141,567 |  10,561 |    201,062 |    274,329 |   209,533
Wyoming ..............|     270,515 |     35,419 |        33,760 |       123,967 |        13,234 |    16,826 |   3,250 |     35,850 |          0 |     8,209
                      |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
U.S. Service Schools .|   1,183,716 |        584 |     1,038,028 |             0 |             0 |     6,840 |       0 |     67,725 |     70,539 |         0
   Outlying areas ....|     704,076 |     65,010 |        89,042 |       468,882 |        22,641 |     8,121 |     725 |     12,066 |      1,915 |    35,673
American Samoa .......|       4,428 |         75 |         1,944 |         2,410 |             0 |         0 |       0 |          0 |          0 |         0
Federated States of   |             |            |               |               |               |           |         |            |            |
  Micronesia .........|       3,453 |      1,890 |             0 |             0 |           969 |         0 |       0 |        367 |          0 |       227
Guam .................|      74,928 |      5,358 |         6,861 |        41,584 |        15,366 |     1,036 |     519 |      2,856 |          0 |     1,348
Marshall Islands .....|       1,111 |        695 |           119 |           156 |             0 |        23 |       0 |        113 |          0 |         5
Northern Marianas ....|       2,462 |      1,310 |             0 |             0 |           671 |         0 |       0 |        254 |          0 |       227
Palau ................|       5,133 |        961 |         2,470 |           885 |             0 |         0 |       0 |        726 |          0 |        91
Puerto Rico ..........|     581,128 |     51,242 |        73,969 |       406,760 |         2,159 |     6,321 |       0 |      5,344 |      1,915 |    33,417
Virgin Islands .......|      31,432 |      3,480 |         3,680 |        17,087 |         3,475 |       740 |     206 |      2,405 |          0 |       359

1 Includes independent operations (federally funded research and development centers).

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" survey. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest