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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 303.Mean number of semester credits completed by bachelor's degree recipients, by major and course area: 1972 to 1976 and 1980 to 1984


                         |                                   Course areas
    Selected college     |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         majors          |        |        |Computer| Educa- |Engineer-| Mathe- |Biological|Physical| Social |
                         | Total  |Business|science |  tion  |   ing   | matics | sciences |sciences|sciences| Other
            1            |   2    |   3    |   4    |   5    |    6    |   7    |    8     |   9    |   10   |  11
       1972-76\1\        |        |        |        |        |         |        |          |        |        |
   Mean, all majors .....|  124.0 |    7.8 |    1.0 |    9.7 |     2.3 |    7.4 |      7.6 |    9.0 |   30.3 |  48.8
Business and management .|  124.4 |   41.2 |    2.3 |    0.5 |     0.4 |   10.2 |      2.5 |    4.8 |   30.4 |  32.0
Computer science ........|  133.3 |    6.6 |   33.5 |    0.4 |     5.3 |   22.4 |      1.9 |    7.8 |   20.6 |  34.8
Education ...............|  126.4 |    0.9 |    0.3 |   40.2 |     --- |    5.0 |      5.5 |    4.3 |   23.9 |  46.4
Engineering .............|  134.8 |    1.6 |    2.0 |    0.1 |    50.0 |   18.2 |      1.3 |   20.5 |   14.0 |  27.1
English .................|  117.8 |    0.5 |    0.1 |    7.8 |     0.1 |    3.2 |      3.4 |    3.4 |   24.2 |  75.2
Fine arts ...............|  124.9 |    0.3 |    0.1 |    6.6 |     --- |    1.3 |      2.5 |    2.1 |   13.6 |  98.4
Life sciences ...........|  122.2 |    0.4 |    0.8 |    1.7 |     --- |    8.4 |     35.6 |   26.2 |   17.8 |  31.3
Physical sciences .......|  122.7 |    0.8 |    1.4 |    0.9 |     1.9 |   16.2 |      9.6 |   49.5 |   13.1 |  29.2
Psychology ..............|  119.1 |    2.0 |    0.5 |    5.9 |     0.3 |    5.5 |      6.2 |    5.9 |   56.0 |  36.9
Social sciences .........|  120.6 |    3.4 |    0.4 |    3.3 |     0.4 |    5.3 |      3.2 |    4.3 |   60.3 |  40.1
       1980-84\2\        |        |        |        |        |         |        |          |        |        |
  Mean, all majors ......|  123.5 |   12.8 |    3.3 |    6.2 |     4.6 |    8.4 |      5.3 |    8.1 |   27.5 |  47.2
Business and management .|  122.8 |   41.2 |    4.5 |    0.6 |     1.1 |    8.9 |      2.2 |    3.9 |   27.5 |  32.7
Computer science ........|  129.3 |   11.8 |   27.9 |    0.3 |     4.7 |   21.3 |      1.8 |    8.5 |   19.0 |  33.9
Education ...............|  127.4 |    0.7 |    0.3 |   45.5 |     0.1 |    4.4 |      4.4 |    3.8 |   20.8 |  47.3
Engineering .............|  132.3 |    1.0 |    2.3 |    0.8 |    52.5 |   16.2 |      1.1 |   20.2 |   12.3 |  25.9
English .................|  114.8 |    1.7 |    1.5 |    6.9 |     --- |    2.2 |      2.1 |    4.7 |   21.4 |  74.4
Fine arts ...............|  120.5 |    1.7 |    0.6 |    5.1 |     --- |    1.7 |      2.7 |    1.5 |   14.1 |  93.1
Life sciences ...........|  121.9 |    0.7 |    1.5 |    1.9 |     0.2 |   10.1 |     33.5 |   22.6 |   18.1 |  33.3
Physical sciences .......|  124.3 |    0.2 |    4.9 |    0.1 |     2.0 |   14.1 |     12.9 |   48.7 |   11.6 |  30.0
Psychology ..............|  120.7 |    3.0 |    2.7 |    2.1 |     --- |    6.5 |      5.8 |    4.2 |   55.2 |  41.2
Social sciences .........|  119.2 |    6.0 |    1.4 |    1.0 |     0.5 |    5.4 |      4.4 |    5.1 |   52.0 |  43.3

1 Sample survey based on 1972 high school seniors who completed bachelor's degrees by 1976.

2 Sample survey based on 1980 high school seniors who completed bachelor's degrees by 1984.

---Data not available.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Longitudinal Study of 1972 and High School and Beyond survey. (This table was prepared April 1986.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest