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1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 81.Staff employed in public elementary and secondary school systems, by functional area: 1949-50 to fall 1993
[In full-time equivalents]

           |          |                                                    |                                                                                    |
           |          |         School district administrative staff       |                               Instructional staff                                  |                            Support staff
  School   |          |____________________________________________________|____________________________________________________________________________________|_________________________________________________________________________
   year    |  Total   |          | Inter- |  School  |Assistants|  Instruc-|             |Principals|          |Instruc-|        |         | Psycho- |   Other  |             |  Secre-  |         |        |  Plant  |        |  Recre-
           |          |   Total  |mediate | district |    to    |  tion    |     Total   |   and    | Teachers | tional |Librar- |Guidance | logical |  instruc-|     Total   |tarial and|Transpor-|  Food  |operation| Health | ational
           |          |          |district|  super-  |  super-  |  coordi- |             |assistant |          | aides  |  ians  |  coun-  |  per-   |   tional |             | clerical | tation  |service |and main-|        |and other
           |          |          | staff  |intendents|intendents|  nators  |             |principals|          |        |        | selors  | sonnel  |   staff  |             |personnel |  staff  |        | tenance |        |  staff
     1     |    2     |      3   |   4    |     5    |     6    |     7    |       8     |    9     |    10    |   11   |   12   |   13    |   14    |     15   |       16    |    17    |   18    |   19   |   20    |   21   |   22
1949-50 ...|1,300,031 |   33,642 |  5,843 |   18,025 |    (\1\) |    9,774 |     963,110 |   43,137 |  913,671 |  (\2\) |  (\2\) |   (\2\) |   (\2\) |    6,302 |     303,280 |   31,824 |  81,626 | 68,814 | 105,874 |  9,412 |    5,730
1959-60 ...|2,089,283 |   42,423 |  9,901 |   13,361 |    5,386 |   13,775 |   1,457,329 |   63,554 |1,353,372 |  (\2\) | 17,363 |  14,643 |   2,121 |    6,277 |     589,531 |   75,930 | 113,111 |161,925 | 192,655 | 16,104 |   29,807
1969-70 ...|3,360,763 |   65,282 |  7,113 |   13,014 |   13,618 |   31,537 |   2,285,568 |   90,593 |2,016,244 | 57,418 | 42,689 |  48,763 |   6,168 |   23,693 |   1,009,913 |  164,476 | 175,351 |270,338 | 273,395 | 26,562 |   99,791
Fall 1980 .|4,168,286 |   78,784 |    --- |   13,269 |   44,961 |   20,554 |   2,859,573 |  107,061 |2,184,216 |325,755 | 48,018 |  63,973 |  14,033 |  116,517 |   1,229,929 |  223,647 |   (\4\) |  (\4\) |   (\4\) |  (\4\) |1,006,282
Fall 1984 .|4,062,271 |\3\65,222 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\2,691,787 |  124,536 |2,167,950 |288,967 | 47,024 |  63,310 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,305,262 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |          |          |        |          |          |          |             |          |          |        |        |         |         |          |             |          |         |        |         |        |
Fall 1985 .|4,159,624 |\3\67,404 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\2,756,232 |  129,297 |2,205,987 |306,860 | 47,442 |  66,646 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,335,988 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1986 .|4,232,805 |\3\74,541 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\2,822,059 |  131,564 |2,243,579 |330,398 | 47,938 |  68,580 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,336,205 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1987 .|4,311,941 |\3\74,191 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\2,859,626 |  125,927 |2,279,241 |335,991 | 48,185 |  70,282 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,378,124 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1988 .|4,319,356 |\3\69,334 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\2,930,547 |  126,609 |2,323,213 |356,682 | 48,980 |  75,063 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,319,475 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1989 .|4,431,033 |\3\70,302 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\2,985,851 |  125,594 |2,356,702 |374,172 | 49,769 |  79,614 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,374,880 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |          |          |        |          |          |          |             |          |          |        |        |         |         |          |             |          |         |        |         |        |
Fall 1990 .|4,494,076 |\3\75,868 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\3,051,404 |  127,417 |2,398,169 |395,959 | 49,909 |  79,950 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,366,804 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1991 .|4,559,359 |\3\76,084 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\3,103,939 |  129,304 |2,432,243 |410,538 | 49,917 |  81,937 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,379,336 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1992 .|4,702,568 |\6\76,400 |  (\7\) |    (\7\) |   45,713 |   30,687 |\3\3,139,695 |  122,402 |2,458,598 |427,322 | 50,324 |  81,049 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,486,473 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1993 .|4,803,121 |\6\79,763 |  (\7\) |    (\7\) |   46,515 |   33,248 |\3\3,210,395 |  121,268 |2,505,074 |450,598 | 50,501 |  82,954 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\1,512,963 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |                                                                                                       Percentage distribution
1949-50 ...|    100.0 |      2.6 |    0.4 |      1.4 |    (\1\) |      0.8 |        74.1 |      3.3 |     70.3 |  (\2\) |  (\2\) |   (\2\) |   (\2\) |      0.5 |        23.3 |      2.4 |     6.3 |    5.3 |     8.1 |    0.7 |      0.4
1959-60 ...|    100.0 |      2.0 |    0.5 |      0.6 |      0.3 |      0.7 |        69.8 |      3.0 |     64.8 |  (\2\) |    0.8 |     0.7 |     0.1 |      0.3 |        28.2 |      3.6 |     5.4 |    7.8 |     9.2 |    0.8 |      1.4
1969-70 ...|    100.0 |      1.9 |    0.2 |      0.4 |      0.4 |      0.9 |        68.0 |      2.7 |     60.0 |    1.7 |    1.3 |     1.5 |     0.2 |      0.7 |        30.1 |      4.9 |     5.2 |    8.0 |     8.1 |    0.8 |      3.0
Fall 1980 .|    100.0 |      1.9 |    --- |      0.3 |      1.1 |      0.5 |        68.6 |      2.6 |     52.4 |    7.8 |    1.2 |     1.5 |     0.3 |      2.8 |        29.5 |      5.4 |   (\4\) |  (\4\) |   (\4\) |  (\4\) |     24.1
Fall 1984 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.6 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     66.3 |      3.1 |     53.4 |    7.1 |    1.2 |     1.6 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     32.1 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |          |          |        |          |          |          |             |          |          |        |        |         |         |          |             |          |         |        |         |        |
Fall 1985 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.6 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     66.3 |      3.1 |     53.0 |    7.4 |    1.1 |     1.6 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     32.1 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1986 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.8 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     66.7 |      3.1 |     53.0 |    7.8 |    1.1 |     1.6 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     31.6 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1987 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.7 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     66.3 |      2.9 |     52.9 |    7.8 |    1.1 |     1.6 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     32.0 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1988 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.6 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     67.8 |      2.9 |     53.8 |    8.3 |    1.1 |     1.7 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     30.5 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1989 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.6 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     67.4 |      2.8 |     53.2 |    8.4 |    1.1 |     1.8 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     31.0 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |          |          |        |          |          |          |             |          |          |        |        |         |         |          |             |          |         |        |         |        |
Fall 1990 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.7 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     67.9 |      2.8 |     53.4 |    8.8 |    1.1 |     1.8 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     30.4 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1991 .|    100.0 |\3\   1.7 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     68.1 |      2.8 |     53.3 |    9.0 |    1.1 |     1.8 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     30.3 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1992 .|    100.0 |\6\   1.6 |  (\7\) |    (\7\) |      1.0 |      0.7 |\3\     66.8 |      2.6 |     52.3 |    9.1 |    1.1 |     1.7 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     31.6 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1993 .|    100.0 |\6\   1.7 |  (\7\) |    (\7\) |      1.0 |      0.7 |\3\     66.8 |      2.5 |     52.2 |    9.4 |    1.1 |     1.7 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     31.5 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |                                                                                                       Pupils per staff member
1949-50 ...|     19.3 |    746.4 |4,297.7 |  1,393.1 |      --- |  2,569.2 |        26.1 |    582.1 |     27.5 |  (\2\) |  (\2\) |   (\2\) |   (\2\) |  3,984.7 |        82.8 |    789.1 |   307.6 |  364.9 |   237.2 |2,668.0 |  4,382.4
1959-60 ...|     16.8 |    829.3 |3,553.4 |  2,633.2 |  6,532.2 |  2,554.1 |        24.1 |    553.6 |     26.0 |  (\2\) |2,026.3 | 2,402.7 |16,589.1 |  5,605.1 |        59.7 |    463.4 |   311.0 |  217.3 |   182.6 |2,184.7 |  1,180.3
1969-70 ...|     13.6 |    697.7 |6,403.8 |  3,500.1 |  3,344.9 |  1,444.3 |        19.9 |    502.8 |     22.6 |  793.3 |1,067.0 |   934.1 | 7,384.9 |  1,922.5 |        45.1 |    276.9 |   259.8 |  168.5 |   166.6 |1,714.9 |    456.5
Fall 1980 .|      9.8 |    518.9 |    --- |  3,080.7 |    909.2 |  1,988.8 |        14.3 |    381.8 |     18.7 |  125.5 |  851.3 |   639.0 | 2,913.0 |    350.8 |        33.2 |    182.8 |   (\4\) |  (\4\) |   (\4\) |  (\4\) |     40.6
Fall 1984 .|      9.7 |\3\ 601.2 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     14.6 |    314.8 |     18.1 |  135.7 |  833.8 |   619.3 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     30.0 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |          |          |        |          |          |          |             |          |          |        |        |         |         |          |             |          |         |        |         |        |
Fall 1985 .|      9.5 |\3\ 584.9 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     14.3 |    304.9 |     17.9 |  128.5 |  831.0 |   591.5 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     29.5 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1986 .|      9.4 |\3\ 533.3 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     14.1 |    302.2 |     17.7 |  120.3 |  829.3 |   579.7 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     29.8 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1987 .|      9.3 |\3\ 539.3 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     14.0 |    317.7 |     17.6 |  119.1 |  830.3 |   569.3 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     29.0 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1988 .|      9.3 |\3\ 579.6 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     13.7 |    317.4 |     17.3 |  112.7 |  820.5 |   535.4 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     30.5 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1989 .|      9.1 |\3\ 576.7 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     13.6 |    322.8 |     17.2 |  108.4 |  814.6 |   509.2 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     29.5 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
           |          |          |        |          |          |          |             |          |          |        |        |         |         |          |             |          |         |        |         |        |
Fall 1990 .|      9.2 |\3\ 543.3 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     13.5 |    323.5 |     17.2 |  104.1 |  825.8 |   515.5 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     30.2 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1991 .|      9.2 |\3\ 552.6 |    --- |      --- |      --- |      --- |\3\     13.5 |    325.2 |     17.3 |  102.4 |  842.3 |   513.2 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     30.5 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1992 .|      9.1 |\6\ 560.4 |  (\7\) |    (\7\) |    936.6 |  1,395.2 |\3\     13.6 |    349.8 |     17.4 |  100.2 |  850.8 |   528.3 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     28.8 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)
Fall 1993 .|      9.1 |\6\ 545.1 |  (\7\) |    (\7\) |    934.7 |  1,307.6 |\3\     13.5 |    358.5 |     17.4 |   96.5 |  860.9 |   524.1 |   (\5\) |    (\5\) |\3\     28.7 |    (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |   (\5\) |  (\5\) |    (\5\)

\1\Data included in column 5.
\2\Data included in column 10.
\3\Data not comparable with figures for years prior to 1984.
\4\Data included in column 22.
\5\Data included in column 16.
\6\Because of classification revisions, data are not directly comparable with figures for prior years.
\7\Data included in column 6.
---Data not available.

NOTE.--Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Because of variations in data collection instruments, some categories are only roughly comparable over time. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems, Common Core of Data survey, and unpublished estimates. (This table was prepared March 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest