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2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 313.20. Fall enrollment in degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by sex of student and level and control of institution: Selected years, 1976 through 2015
Year Total enrollment Males Females 4-year 2-year Public Private
Total 4-year 2-year Total 4-year 2-year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  All students
1976 222,613 104,669 117,944 206,676 15,937 156,836 143,528 13,308 65,777 63,148 2,629
1980 233,557 106,387 127,170 218,009 15,548 168,217 155,085 13,132 65,340 62,924 2,416
1982 228,371 104,897 123,474 212,017 16,354 165,871 151,472 14,399 62,500 60,545 1,955
1984 227,519 102,823 124,696 212,844 14,675 164,116 151,289 12,827 63,403 61,555 1,848
1986 223,275 97,523 125,752 207,231 16,044 162,048 147,631 14,417 61,227 59,600 1,627
1988 239,755 100,561 139,194 223,250 16,505 173,672 158,606 15,066 66,083 64,644 1,439
1990 257,152 105,157 151,995 240,497 16,655 187,046 171,969 15,077 70,106 68,528 1,578
1991 269,335 110,442 158,893 252,093 17,242 197,847 182,204 15,643 71,488 69,889 1,599
1992 279,541 114,622 164,919 261,089 18,452 204,966 188,143 16,823 74,575 72,946 1,629
1993 282,856 116,397 166,459 262,430 20,426 208,197 189,032 19,165 74,659 73,398 1,261
1994 280,071 114,006 166,065 259,997 20,074 206,520 187,735 18,785 73,551 72,262 1,289
1995 278,725 112,637 166,088 259,409 19,316 204,726 186,278 18,448 73,999 73,131 868
1996 273,018 109,498 163,520 253,654 19,364 200,569 182,063 18,506 72,449 71,591 858
1997 269,167 106,865 162,302 248,860 20,307 194,674 175,297 19,377 74,493 73,563 930
1998 273,472 108,752 164,720 248,931 24,541 198,603 174,776 23,827 74,869 74,155 714
1999 274,321 108,301 166,020 249,156 25,165 199,826 175,364 24,462 74,495 73,792 703
2000 275,680 108,164 167,516 250,710 24,970 199,725 175,404 24,321 75,955 75,306 649
2001 289,985 112,874 177,111 260,547 29,438 210,083 181,346 28,737 79,902 79,201 701
2002 299,041 115,466 183,575 269,020 30,021 218,433 189,183 29,250 80,608 79,837 771
2003 306,727 117,795 188,932 274,326 32,401 228,096 196,077 32,019 78,631 78,249 382
2004 308,939 118,129 190,810 276,136 32,803 231,179 198,810 32,369 77,760 77,326 434
2005 311,768 120,023 191,745 272,666 39,102 235,875 197,200 38,675 75,893 75,466 427
2006 308,774 118,865 189,909 272,770 36,004 234,505 198,676 35,829 74,269 74,094 175
2007 306,515 118,640 187,875 270,915 35,600 233,807 198,300 35,507 72,708 72,615 93
2008 313,491 121,873 191,618 274,568 38,923 235,824 197,025 38,799 77,667 77,543 124
2009 322,860 125,728 197,132 280,133 42,727 246,595 204,016 42,579 76,265 76,117 148
2010 326,614 127,437 199,177 283,099 43,515 249,146 205,774 43,372 77,468 77,325 143
2011 323,648 126,160 197,488 281,150 42,498 246,685 204,363 42,322 76,963 76,787 176
2012 312,438 121,719 190,719 273,033 39,405 237,782 198,568 39,214 74,656 74,465 191
2013 303,191 119,299 183,892 264,454 38,737 230,325 191,918 38,407 72,866 72,536 330
2014 294,316 115,837 178,479 256,936 37,380 222,876 185,899 36,977 71,440 71,037 403
2015 293,388 115,825 177,563 256,379 37,009 221,360 184,587 36,773 72,028 71,792 236
  Black students
1976 190,305 84,492 105,813 179,848 10,457 129,770 121,851 7,919 60,535 57,997 2,538
1980 190,989 81,818 109,171 181,237 9,752 131,661 124,236 7,425 59,328 57,001 2,327
1982 182,639 78,874 103,765 171,942 10,697 126,368 117,562 8,806 56,271 54,380 1,891
1984 180,803 76,819 103,984 171,401 9,402 124,445 116,845 7,600 56,358 54,556 1,802
1986 178,628 74,276 104,352 167,971 10,657 123,555 114,502 9,053 55,073 53,469 1,604
1988 194,151 78,268 115,883 183,402 10,749 133,786 124,438 9,348 60,365 58,964 1,401
1990 208,682 82,897 125,785 198,237 10,445 144,204 134,924 9,280 64,478 63,313 1,165
1991 218,366 87,380 130,986 207,449 10,917 152,864 143,411 9,453 65,502 64,038 1,464
1992 228,963 91,949 137,014 217,614 11,349 159,585 149,754 9,831 69,378 67,860 1,518
1993 231,198 93,110 138,088 219,431 11,767 161,444 150,867 10,577 69,754 68,564 1,190
1994 230,162 91,908 138,254 218,565 11,597 161,098 150,682 10,416 69,064 67,883 1,181
1995 229,418 91,132 138,286 218,379 11,039 159,925 149,661 10,264 69,493 68,718 775
1996 224,201 88,306 135,895 213,309 10,892 156,851 146,753 10,098 67,350 66,556 794
1997 222,331 86,641 135,690 210,741 11,590 153,039 142,326 10,713 69,292 68,415 877
1998 223,745 87,163 136,582 211,822 11,923 154,244 142,985 11,259 69,501 68,837 664
1999 226,592 87,987 138,605 213,779 12,813 156,292 144,166 12,126 70,300 69,613 687
2000 227,239 87,319 139,920 215,172 12,067 156,706 145,277 11,429 70,533 69,895 638
2001 238,638 90,718 147,920 224,417 14,221 164,354 150,831 13,523 74,284 73,586 698
2002 247,292 93,538 153,754 231,834 15,458 172,203 157,507 14,696 75,089 74,327 762
2003 253,257 95,703 157,554 236,753 16,504 180,104 163,977 16,127 73,153 72,776 377
2004 257,545 96,750 160,795 241,030 16,515 184,708 168,619 16,089 72,837 72,411 426
2005 256,584 96,891 159,693 238,030 18,554 186,047 167,916 18,131 70,537 70,114 423
2006 255,150 96,508 158,642 238,446 16,704 185,894 169,365 16,529 69,256 69,081 175
2007 253,415 96,313 157,102 236,885 16,530 185,344 168,906 16,438 68,071 67,979 92
2008 258,403 98,634 159,769 240,133 18,270 186,446 168,299 18,147 71,957 71,834 123
2009 264,092 100,590 163,502 243,956 20,136 194,088 174,099 19,989 70,004 69,857 147
2010 265,908 101,605 164,303 245,158 20,750 193,840 173,233 20,607 72,068 71,925 143
2011 263,435 100,526 162,909 242,881 20,554 192,042 171,664 20,378 71,393 71,217 176
2012 251,527 96,079 155,448 232,897 18,630 183,018 164,578 18,440 68,509 68,319 190
2013 241,485 92,491 148,994 223,491 17,994 175,308 157,640 17,668 66,177 65,851 326
2014 231,888 88,469 143,419 214,630 17,258 167,246 150,383 16,863 64,642 64,247 395
2015 228,263 86,905 141,358 211,899 16,364 163,709 147,577 16,132 64,554 64,322 232
NOTE: Historically Black colleges and universities are degree-granting institutions established prior to 1964 with the principal mission of educating Black Americans. Federal regulations, 20 U.S. Code, Section 1061 (2), allow for certain exceptions to the founding date. Data through 1995 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities," 1976 through 1985 surveys; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:86-99); and IPEDS Spring 2001 through Spring 2016, Fall Enrollment component. (This table was prepared November 2016.)

2016 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest