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Digest of Education Statistics
2014 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 303.90. Fall enrollment and number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and religious affiliation of institution: Selected years, 1980 through 2013
Control and religious affiliation of institution Total enrollment Enrollment, fall 2013 Number of institutions1
Fall 1980 Fall 1990 Fall 2000 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Total Full-time Part-time
Males Females Males Females Fall 1980 Fall 1990 Fall 2000 Fall 2010 Fall 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
All institutions 12,096,895 13,818,637 15,312,289 21,019,438 21,010,590 20,642,819 20,375,789 5,682,166 6,914,946 3,178,620 4,600,057 3,226 3,501 4,056 4,589 4,716
Public institutions 9,457,394 10,844,717 11,752,786 15,142,171 15,116,303 14,880,343 14,745,558 3,949,205 4,515,604 2,619,634 3,661,115 1,493 1,548 1,676 1,652 1,625
Federal 50,989 50,669 16,917 21,610 21,304 20,691 19,802 13,278 5,077 468 979 12 17 12 14 14
State (2 ) 7,181,380 9,548,090 12,364,881 12,351,143 12,195,526 12,120,534 3,447,896 3,963,904 1,956,501 2,752,233 (2 ) 978 1,355 1,331 1,313
Local (2 ) 3,508,941 2,078,090 2,542,044 2,528,020 2,453,053 2,398,360 434,304 484,696 626,154 853,206 (2 ) 523 277 261 257
Other public 9,406,405 103,727 109,689 213,636 215,836 211,073 206,862 53,727 61,927 36,511 54,697 1,481 30 32 46 41
Private institutions 2,639,501 2,973,920 3,559,503 5,877,267 5,894,287 5,762,476 5,630,231 1,732,961 2,399,342 558,986 938,942 1,733 1,953 2,380 2,937 3,091
Independent nonprofit 1,521,614 1,474,818 1,577,242 1,994,900 2,054,955 2,064,076 2,089,266 714,810 864,027 204,095 306,334 795 709 729 736 791
For-profit 111,714 213,693 450,084 2,022,785 1,967,468 1,808,898 1,656,227 419,924 726,326 179,120 330,857 164 322 724 1,310 1,416
Religiously affiliated3 1,006,173 1,285,409 1,532,177 1,859,582 1,871,864 1,889,502 1,884,738 598,227 808,989 175,771 301,751 774 922 927 891 884
Advent Christian Church 143 1
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1,091 88 34 1,536 1,537 1,459 1,541 844 648 25 24 3 1 1 3 3
African Methodist Episcopal 4,541 3,220 5,980 2,674 2,355 2,491 2,700 1,080 1,419 74 127 6 5 6 5 6
American Baptist 6,131 10,800 15,410 15,120 15,027 14,229 13,990 4,187 5,400 1,445 2,958 11 15 17 18 18
American Evangelical Lutheran Church 743 1,340 1,415 1,315 1,341 615 653 36 37 1 1 1
American Lutheran and Lutheran Church
      in America
3,092 1,460 3 1
American Lutheran 21,608 13
Assemblies of God Church 7,814 8,307 14,272 15,806 15,449 15,320 15,953 5,355 6,758 1,699 2,141 10 11 14 16 14
Baptist 38,231 99,510 107,610 174,538 172,940 112,351 111,586 36,180 47,466 11,285 16,655 33 69 68 69 71
Brethren Church 3,925 958 2,088 8,506 7,766 7,979 8,070 2,080 2,959 1,460 1,571 3 3 3 3 3
Brethren in Christ Church 1,301 2,239 2,797 1 1 1
Christian and Missionary Alliance
1,705 2,519 5,278 6,455 6,536 6,688 6,530 2,074 2,895 673 888 3 4 4 4 4
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 14,913 30,397 35,984 52,839 54,401 54,915 47,253 14,302 21,189 4,681 7,081 12 18 16 18 17
Christian Churches and Churches of
1,342 2,263 7,277 10,074 10,488 10,700 10,536 4,201 4,214 1,085 1,036 7 8 18 18 19
Christian Methodist Episcopal 2,486 2,174 1,502 4,817 4,514 4,048 4,191 2,193 1,849 76 73 4 4 1 3 3
Christian Reformed Church 5,408 4,488 5,999 5,625 5,647 5,697 5,770 2,644 2,791 182 153 3 2 3 3 3
Church of Christ (Scientist) 2,773 2,557 6 8
Church of God of Prophecy 249 1
Church of God 6,082 5,627 12,540 16,731 17,093 17,821 17,977 5,422 8,132 1,888 2,535 9 9 7 7 8
Church of New Jerusalem 170 1
Church of the Brethren 8,482 4,463 4,187 6,154 6,028 6,261 6,245 2,468 3,187 223 367 6 5 4 5 6
Church of the Nazarene 11,716 10,779 16,661 21,144 20,866 21,401 21,597 6,216 9,991 1,958 3,432 10 9 12 10 10
Churches of Christ 9,343 14,611 30,140 35,538 36,472 35,871 35,281 11,535 15,338 3,221 5,187 9 19 19 17 17
Cumberland Presbyterian 594 746 1,112 4,652 5,744 6,500 6,926 2,317 3,146 604 859 2 2 2 2 2
Episcopal Church, Reformed 67 1,204 1,238 69 398 91 680 1 1
Evangelical Christian 74,372 77,338 15,335 21,018 16,060 24,925 1
Evangelical Congregational Church 80 88 148 153 125 123 113 13 18 54 28 1 1 1 1 1
Evangelical Covenant Church of America 1,401 1,035 2,387 3,233 3,220 3,141 3,189 772 1,247 371 799 1 1 1 1 2
Evangelical Free Church of America 833 2,355 4,022 2,926 2,833 2,651 2,472 790 557 680 445 1 2 3 2 2
Evangelical Lutheran Church 743 49,210 49,085 56,162 55,889 52,122 51,796 20,529 25,946 2,066 3,255 3 33 34 33 31
Free Methodist 5,543 5,902 7,323 12,270 12,412 12,254 12,372 3,463 6,099 771 2,039 5 3 4 5 5
Free Will Baptist Church 1,132 1,177 2,378 528 534 568 570 241 180 88 61 4 3 4 3 3
Friends United Meeting 1,109 1
Friends 5,157 5,844 10,898 13,876 13,570 12,921 12,555 4,537 5,403 1,046 1,569 5 6 8 7 7
General Conference Mennonite Church 820 1,243 1,059 2 2 1
Greek Orthodox 204 148 132 220 222 209 208 148 52 6 2 1 1 1 1 1
Interdenominational 1,254 11,103 9,788 33,778 38,136 39,376 39,277 12,937 16,195 4,749 5,396 4 17 14 31 32
Jewish 5,738 12,217 14,182 12,755 14,720 15,120 15,390 9,866 3,380 713 1,431 24 63 62 36 35
Latter-Day Saints 39,172 42,274 44,680 53,514 57,150 63,027 63,733 23,085 22,319 8,120 10,209 4 4 4 4 4
Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod 11,727 13,827 18,866 28,255 29,288 30,332 34,105 8,265 14,157 3,681 8,002 15 14 13 12 12
Lutheran Church in America 23,877 5,796 4,322 8,240 8,111 8,193 8,732 3,508 4,392 255 577 20 5 2 3 3
Mennonite Brethren Church 1,344 1,864 2,390 4,136 4,302 4,121 4,129 1,100 1,888 343 798 3 3 3 3 2
Mennonite Church 4,008 2,859 3,553 4,263 4,366 4,236 4,265 1,462 1,917 310 576 6 5 5 6 6
Missionary Church Inc. 487 699 1,647 2,152 2,074 1,963 1,804 477 856 157 314 1 1 1 1 1
Moravian Church 2,434 2,511 2,939 3,095 3,132 3,075 3,024 633 1,659 146 586 2 2 2 2 2
Multiple Protestant denominations 5,526 211 4,690 5,350 5,400 5,274 5,126 1,235 1,478 1,462 951 8 1 7 6 6
North American Baptist 155 124 120 141 148 143 30 24 51 38 1 1 1 1
Original Free Will Baptist 3,855 3,825 3,714 3,414 547 839 593 1,435 1 1
Pentecostal Holiness Church 767 566 976 1,272 1,504 1,524 1,653 647 655 137 214 3 3 2 3 2
Presbyterian 2,882 941 1,460 164 317 2
Presbyterian U.S.A. 47,144 77,700 78,950 85,719 86,696 86,699 83,648 30,805 40,742 3,917 8,184 57 70 64 58 57
Presbyterian Church in America 1,877 4,499 2,071 1,792 1,803 1,775 672 687 286 130 1 5 2 2
Protestant Episcopal 5,396 4,559 5,479 5,006 4,604 4,202 3,935 1,822 1,842 117 154 12 9 12 11 8
Protestant, other 4,072 38,136 30,116 13,450 14,688 16,167 16,884 5,054 5,918 2,706 3,206 11 44 34 23 24
Reformed Church in America 2,713 5,525 6,002 6,555 6,501 6,502 6,453 2,560 3,365 229 299 4 4 5 5 5
Reformed Presbyterian Church 2,014 1,556 2,355 2,982 2,866 2,700 2,748 1,233 1,217 160 138 4 2 2 3 3
Reorganized Latter-Day Saints Church 4,274 4,793 3,390 2 1 2
Roman Catholic 422,842 530,585 636,336 751,091 749,609 746,942 740,576 220,340 324,091 65,165 130,980 229 239 239 237 233
Russian Orthodox 47 38 106 60 53 55 81 58 10 11 2 1 1 1 1 1
Seventh-Day Adventists 19,168 15,771 19,223 25,430 25,751 26,343 25,590 8,179 11,284 2,176 3,951 11 11 13 14 13
Southern Baptist 85,281 49,493 54,275 49,936 51,832 52,610 55,363 16,146 21,185 7,454 10,578 54 29 32 22 23
Undenominational 6,758 23,573 27,748 29,653 29,966 32,391 8,708 12,094 4,947 6,642 14 16 16 18
Unitarian Universalist 87 82 132 166 190 227 174 24 54 31 65 2 2 2 2 2
United Brethren Church 545 601 938 1,260 1,260 1,204 1,124 413 577 62 72 1 1 1 1 1
United Church of Christ 14,169 20,175 23,709 20,537 17,627 17,473 16,850 5,350 6,555 1,775 3,170 16 18 18 17 14
United Methodist 127,099 148,851 171,109 206,744 206,268 204,506 203,116 74,062 94,938 12,562 21,554 91 96 100 96 94
Wesleyan Church 3,583 5,311 11,128 20,670 20,577 20,160 19,733 5,933 11,118 955 1,727 5 4 4 6 6
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod 808 931 1,660 1,677 1,799 1,889 2,002 823 898 142 139 1 3 2 2 2
Other religiously affiliated 462 5,743 2,534 4,778 4,866 5,340 5,280 1,702 2,242 347 989 1 9 4 11 10
—Not available.
1 Counts of institutions in this table may be lower than reported in other tables, because counts in this table include only institutions reporting separate enrollment data.
2 Included under "Other public."
3 Religious affiliation as reported by institution.
NOTE: Data for 1980 and 1990 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education" and "Institutional Characteristics" surveys, 1980; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:90) and "Institutional Characteristics Survey" (IPEDS-IC:90); and IPEDS Spring 2001 through Spring 2014, Enrollment component. (This table was prepared June 2015.)

2014 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest