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Digest of Education Statistics
2011 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 390. Appropriations for Title I and selected other programs under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, by program and state or jurisdiction: Fiscal years 2010 and 2011
[In thousands of current dollars]
State or jurisdiction Title I total, 2010 Title I, 2011 Assessing Achieve-ment, 2011 Improving Teacher Quality State Grants, 2011
Total Grants to local education agencies1 State agency programs Turn-around Grants
Neglected and Delinquent Migrant
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total, 50 states and
$14,810,243 $14,738,332 $13,794,455 $48,528 $383,981 $511,368 $370,438 $2,330,578
Total, 50 states, D.C.,
      other activities, and
      other jurisdictions
15,559,686 15,442,286 14,463,416 50,326 393,981 534,562 389,951 2,468,054
Alabama 232,673 237,082 225,736 939 2,139 8,268 6,333 38,744
Alaska 46,845 44,889 35,864 234 7,236 1,556 3,537 11,563
Arizona 325,711 334,833 314,894 1,477 6,828 11,634 7,726 38,878
Arkansas 170,160 168,360 156,582 508 5,476 5,794 5,070 23,659
California 1,941,074 1,826,499 1,626,853 1,621 135,023 63,002 30,245 270,981
Colorado 170,448 167,089 153,343 664 7,310 5,772 6,551 27,353
Connecticut 121,746 113,921 107,016 2,006 1,033 3,867 5,477 22,673
Delaware 44,072 44,607 42,390 371 303 1,542 3,604 11,563
District of Columbia 50,226 52,024 49,000 1,177 0 1,847 3,275 11,563
Florida 775,083 793,886 740,529 1,657 23,607 28,093 14,797 110,257
Georgia 545,230 554,539 526,094 1,023 8,195 19,227 10,270 64,699
Hawaii 45,659 50,530 47,568 355 834 1,773 3,872 11,563
Idaho 55,990 60,489 54,120 542 3,706 2,121 4,238 11,563
Illinois 641,402 669,727 642,998 1,093 1,980 23,656 12,239 99,685
Indiana 268,336 272,045 256,459 533 5,706 9,348 7,730 41,706
Iowa 82,957 81,636 76,708 396 1,669 2,862 5,118 18,899
Kansas 118,663 127,545 110,731 347 11,977 4,491 5,100 19,349
Kentucky 244,979 243,164 226,125 934 7,672 8,434 5,985 38,137
Louisiana 332,952 313,447 298,919 1,771 2,564 10,193 6,238 54,419
Maine 56,215 55,799 52,443 193 1,213 1,950 3,826 11,563
Maryland 193,202 191,438 182,671 1,489 524 6,754 6,982 34,924
Massachusetts 236,930 231,202 219,019 2,637 1,670 7,876 7,237 43,964
Michigan 566,140 564,676 535,794 346 8,878 19,658 10,040 96,339
Minnesota 137,931 167,061 158,756 249 2,147 5,909 6,740 33,144
Mississippi 212,893 202,627 193,877 845 1,074 6,830 5,194 36,009
Missouri 250,766 256,317 244,238 1,507 1,573 8,999 7,170 42,200
Montana 48,537 47,399 44,589 121 1,044 1,645 3,649 11,563
Nebraska 69,811 69,770 61,732 318 5,281 2,439 4,318 11,840
Nevada 94,928 101,476 97,381 251 245 3,599 4,924 12,360
New Hampshire 42,126 42,599 40,527 445 152 1,476 3,876 11,563
New Jersey 315,910 315,013 299,989 2,160 2,034 10,830 9,140 55,221
New Mexico 120,273 119,195 113,838 272 955 4,131 4,505 19,135
New York 1,305,933 1,222,881 1,168,409 2,835 10,247 41,390 15,766 196,797
North Carolina 401,228 412,443 390,840 1,279 5,842 14,482 9,645 54,029
North Dakota 37,680 35,650 34,097 74 242 1,236 3,424 11,563
Ohio 560,380 595,603 570,012 1,811 2,751 21,029 11,096 91,323
Oklahoma 170,103 162,269 154,673 378 1,590 5,628 5,681 28,019
Oregon 163,899 163,987 146,454 1,121 10,622 5,790 5,533 23,655
Pennsylvania 611,368 575,819 546,045 755 9,389 19,629 11,308 98,302
Rhode Island 53,497 51,960 49,542 567 69 1,782 3,671 11,563
South Carolina 227,061 230,734 220,624 1,412 582 8,116 6,135 30,730
South Dakota 46,726 46,316 43,702 141 867 1,605 3,577 11,563
Tennessee 285,793 285,669 274,585 531 596 9,957 7,383 41,832
Texas 1,460,416 1,463,538 1,348,969 2,293 61,098 51,178 22,888 201,175
Utah 74,471 86,030 80,212 861 1,913 3,045 5,445 16,018
Vermont 36,247 35,775 33,281 597 657 1,240 3,392 11,563
Virginia 262,958 257,555 245,997 1,820 823 8,915 8,414 43,456
Washington 215,993 236,184 211,175 1,015 15,659 8,335 7,599 39,890
West Virginia 96,120 97,625 93,227 886 84 3,429 4,141 20,546
Wisconsin 205,575 222,847 213,279 1,099 658 7,811 6,952 39,917
Wyoming 34,930 34,564 32,552 573 242 1,198 3,383 11,563
Other activities/jurisdictions                
Indian Tribe Set-Aside 105,350 105,488 101,824 0 0 3,664 1,900 12,279
Other nonstate allocations 24,248 20,250 8,992 1,258 10,000 0 9,980 37,021
American Samoa 10,541 9,922 9,582 0 0 340 360 2,847
Guam 12,446 12,011 11,593 0 0 417 774 4,376
Northern Marianas 3,829 3,853 3,719 0 0 134 243 1,361
Puerto Rico 578,865 539,097 520,375 540 0 18,181 5,733 75,898
U.S. Virgin Islands 14,164 13,333 12,876 0 0 457 523 3,694
1 Includes Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants.
2 Total excludes other activities and other jurisdictions.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. These are preliminary estimates for fiscal year 2011.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service, Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education Analysis Division, unpublished tabulations. (This table was prepared September 2011.)

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