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2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 370. Appropriations for Title I, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, by type of appropriation and state or jurisdiction: Fiscal years 2003 and 2004
[In thousands]

                               |           |                         Title I, fiscal year 2004                      |    State |  State
                               |   Title I |________________________________________________________________________|   Grants |Assess-
                               |    total, |           |  Title I, |State Agency Program|        |        |         |      for | ments,
State or jurisdiction          |    fiscal |     Total | grants to |____________________|Compre- |   Even | Reading |Innovative| fiscal
                               |      year |           |     local |Neglected | Migrant |hensive |  Start |   First |Programs, |   year
                               |       2003|           | education |      and |         | School |        |   State |fiscal yea|    2004
                               |           |           |agencies\1\|Delinquent|         | Reform |        |  Grants |      2004|
1                              |         2 |         3 |         4 |        5 |       6 |      7 |      8 |        9|        10|      11
   Total, 50 States and        |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
      D.C.\2\ .................|$11,166,323|$13,566,485|$11,766,459|   $46,838| $379,697|$214,208|$214,465| $944,819|  $290,321|$379,764
   Total, 50 States, D.C.,     |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
      other activities, and    |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
      outlying areas ..........| 11,688,664| 14,288,727| 12,342,309|    48,395|  393,577| 233,614| 246,910|1,023,923|   296,549| 390,000
Alabama .......................|    177,362|    216,081|    187,083|     1,180|    2,726|   3,435|   3,324|   18,332|     4,295|   6,450
Alaska ........................|     30,431|     43,743|     32,502|       259|    6,857|     560|   1,113|    2,452|     1,472|   3,599
Arizona .......................|    187,860|    268,007|    229,883|     1,711|    6,463|   3,461|   4,111|   22,378|     5,739|   7,610
Arkansas ......................|    106,002|    139,907|    118,717|       298|    5,184|   1,990|   2,070|   11,647|     2,628|   5,112
California ....................|  1,649,697|  2,105,301|  1,765,538|     3,249|  127,573|  31,345|  31,451|  146,146|    36,430|  32,268
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Colorado ......................|    104,115|    137,375|    114,691|       458|    7,518|   2,065|   2,003|   10,640|     4,371|   6,512
Connecticut ...................|    106,558|    124,009|    109,085|     1,057|    3,021|   1,983|   1,837|    7,026|     3,306|   5,656
Delaware ......................|     30,638|     36,949|     32,225|       289|      306|     565|   1,113|    2,452|     1,472|   3,617
District of Columbia ..........|     44,912|     54,513|     49,372|       136|      441|     826|   1,113|    2,624|     1,472|   3,318
Florida .......................|    523,835|    672,757|    574,724|     1,677|   22,930|   9,780|  10,394|   53,251|    15,202|  15,213
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Georgia .......................|    343,347|    436,563|    381,941|     1,053|    8,715|   6,621|   6,801|   31,432|     8,676|   9,970
Hawaii ........................|     36,095|     49,294|     43,294|       225|      745|     681|   1,113|    3,235|     1,472|   3,903
Idaho .........................|     39,876|     52,447|     41,593|       181|    4,573|     804|   1,113|    4,183|     1,472|   4,151
Illinois ......................|    478,793|    583,772|    523,252|     1,943|    2,352|   9,269|   9,315|   37,640|    12,419|  12,978
Indiana .......................|    156,541|    193,848|    167,431|     1,188|    5,209|   3,092|   2,887|   14,040|     6,219|   7,996
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Iowa ..........................|     62,956|     74,907|     64,685|       513|    1,683|   1,199|   1,113|    5,714|     2,712|   5,179
Kansas ........................|     87,047|    103,490|     81,995|       407|   11,644|   1,763|   1,404|    6,277|     2,680|   5,153
Kentucky ......................|    162,957|    200,066|    171,224|       764|    7,220|   3,093|   3,002|   14,763|     3,832|   6,078
Louisiana .....................|    256,175|    305,048|    267,601|     1,179|    2,427|   4,798|   4,814|   24,229|     4,520|   6,631
Maine .........................|     47,817|     52,341|     45,160|       187|    2,104|     958|   1,113|    2,819|     1,472|   3,934
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Maryland ......................|    153,984|    182,573|    163,739|     1,099|      529|   2,884|   2,956|   11,367|     5,370|   7,314
Massachusetts .................|    260,051|    260,543|    234,039|     1,696|    1,789|   5,188|   3,753|   14,077|     5,772|   7,637
Michigan ......................|    420,800|    467,795|    416,587|       579|    8,617|   7,507|   7,070|   27,435|    10,020|  11,050
Minnesota .....................|    117,728|    120,343|    105,428|       172|    2,376|   2,398|   1,691|    8,279|     4,889|   6,928
Mississippi ...................|    157,216|    184,211|    160,730|       750|    1,370|   2,926|   2,794|   15,642|     2,918|   5,344
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Missouri ......................|    194,887|    211,578|    185,417|     1,269|    1,631|   3,944|   3,198|   16,119|     5,482|   7,405
Montana .......................|     40,459|     46,588|     40,527|       128|      961|     747|   1,113|    3,112|     1,472|   3,691
Nebraska ......................|     46,770|     59,602|     48,242|       258|    5,175|     969|   1,113|    3,845|     1,696|   4,362
Nevada ........................|     53,216|     72,791|     64,007|       263|      226|   1,021|   1,166|    6,107|     2,214|   4,779
New Hampshire .................|     29,733|     33,838|     29,264|       306|      144|     560|   1,113|    2,452|     1,472|   3,992
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
New Jersey ....................|    272,033|    298,627|    266,434|     2,501|    2,050|   5,246|   4,556|   17,839|     8,287|   9,657
New Mexico ....................|    103,274|    130,624|    114,717|       320|      872|   1,955|   2,086|   10,674|     1,953|   4,569
New York ......................|  1,184,752|  1,374,190|  1,241,954|     3,085|    9,546|  22,054|  22,139|   75,411|    17,578|  17,122
North Carolina ................|    261,980|    315,388|    271,257|       860|    7,009|   5,252|   4,847|   26,163|     7,933|   9,374
North Dakota ..................|     30,329|     34,672|     30,257|        68|      223|     560|   1,113|    2,452|     1,472|   3,468
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Ohio ..........................|    399,821|    450,223|    400,078|     2,664|    2,486|   8,044|   7,090|   29,860|    10,994|  11,832
Oklahoma ......................|    128,455|    162,251|    141,060|       578|    2,027|   2,412|   2,481|   13,693|     3,360|   5,699
Oregon ........................|    115,317|    160,699|    131,498|     1,317|   13,006|   2,350|   2,360|   10,168|     3,314|   5,663
Pennsylvania ..................|    438,337|    489,460|    432,704|       951|   10,476|   8,632|   7,494|   29,203|    11,264|  12,050
Rhode Island ..................|     43,155|     51,457|     45,773|       499|       70|     880|   1,113|    3,120|     1,472|   3,777
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
South Carolina ................|    157,877|    187,750|    165,457|     1,257|      540|   3,069|   2,961|   14,467|     3,954|   6,177
South Dakota ..................|     32,001|     39,789|     34,602|       240|      822|     560|   1,113|    2,452|     1,472|   3,612
Tennessee .....................|    185,695|    227,346|    199,727|       463|      535|   3,646|   3,593|   19,382|     5,361|   7,307
Texas .........................|  1,018,468|  1,309,714|  1,110,706|     2,652|   57,856|  19,531|  20,015|   98,955|    23,487|  21,869
Utah ..........................|     45,809|     60,677|     50,780|       664|    1,750|     918|   1,113|    5,451|     2,716|   5,182
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Vermont .......................|     27,005|     32,987|     27,919|       390|      613|     500|   1,113|    2,452|     1,472|   3,453
Virginia ......................|    182,111|    221,503|    195,589|       951|      800|   3,752|   3,483|   16,928|     6,928|   8,566
Washington ....................|    157,167|    208,448|    170,680|       702|   15,583|   3,200|   3,017|   15,266|     5,865|   7,712
West Virginia .................|     94,168|    105,989|     94,828|       451|       84|   1,791|   1,670|    7,166|     1,534|   4,233
Wisconsin .....................|    151,747|    179,775|    160,676|     1,226|      619|   2,890|   2,816|   11,548|     5,265|   7,230
Wyoming .......................|     28,965|     34,633|     29,788|       527|      219|     534|   1,113|    2,452|     1,472|   3,383
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Other activities               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
  Indian Tribe Set-Aside ......|     81,886|    101,862|     90,093|         0|        0|   1,711|   4,938|    5,120|         0|   1,950
  Other non-state allocations .|      8,300|     79,678|      8,300|       900|   10,000|   9,386|  18,049|   33,042|         0|       0
                               |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
Other jurisdictions            |           |           |           |          |         |        |        |         |          |
  American Samoa ..............|      8,122|      9,845|      7,716|         0|        0|     170|     335|    1,625|       394|     370
  Guam ........................|      7,243|      8,648|      6,750|         0|        0|     151|     298|    1,449|       846|     794
  Northern Marianas ...........|      3,645|      4,282|      3,463|         0|        0|      76|     152|      590|       265|     249
  Puerto Rico .................|    402,232|    505,426|    449,160|       657|    3,881|   7,683|   8,223|   35,823|     4,152|   6,336
  Virgin Islands ..............|     10,914|     12,501|     10,368|         0|        0|     228|     449|    1,456|       572|     537

\1\Includes Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants.
\2\Total excludes other activities and other jurisdictions.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service, Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education Analysis Division, unpublished data. (This table was prepared December 2004.)