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2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 129. SAT score averages of college-bound seniors, by sex: 1966-67 to 2003-04

           |                   SAT\1\            |    Scholastic Aptitude Test (old scale)
School     |    Verbal score  |  Mathematics scor|    Verbal score  | Mathematics score
year       |__________________|__________________|__________________|__________________
           |Total|Male |Female|Total|Male |Female|Total|Male |Female|Total|Male |Female
1          |   2 |   3 |    4 |   5 |   6 |    7 |   8 |   9 |   10 |  11 |  12 |   13
1966-67 ...|  543|  540|   545|  516|  535|   495|  466|  463|   468|  492|  514|   467
1967-68 ...|  543|  541|   543|  516|  533|   497|  466|  464|   466|  492|  512|   470
1968-69 ...|  540|  536|   543|  517|  534|   498|  463|  459|   466|  493|  513|   470
1969-70 ...|  537|  536|   538|  512|  531|   493|  460|  459|   461|  488|  509|   465
1970-71 ...|  532|  531|   534|  513|  529|   494|  455|  454|   457|  488|  507|   466
           |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
1971-72 ...|  530|  531|   529|  509|  527|   489|  453|  454|   452|  484|  505|   461
1972-73 ...|  523|  523|   521|  506|  525|   489|  445|  446|   443|  481|  502|   460
1973-74 ...|  521|  524|   520|  505|  524|   488|  444|  447|   442|  480|  501|   459
1974-75 ...|  512|  515|   509|  498|  518|   479|  434|  437|   431|  472|  495|   449
1975-76 ...|  509|  511|   508|  497|  520|   475|  431|  433|   430|  472|  497|   446
           |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
1976-77 ...|  507|  509|   505|  496|  520|   474|  429|  431|   427|  470|  497|   445
1977-78 ...|  507|  511|   503|  494|  517|   474|  429|  433|   425|  468|  494|   444
1978-79 ...|  505|  509|   501|  493|  516|   473|  427|  431|   423|  467|  493|   443
1979-80 ...|  502|  506|   498|  492|  515|   473|  424|  428|   420|  466|  491|   443
1980-81 ...|  502|  508|   496|  492|  516|   473|  424|  430|   418|  466|  492|   443
           |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
1981-82 ...|  504|  509|   499|  493|  516|   473|  426|  431|   421|  467|  493|   443
1982-83 ...|  503|  508|   498|  494|  516|   474|  425|  430|   420|  468|  493|   445
1983-84 ...|  504|  511|   498|  497|  518|   478|  426|  433|   420|  471|  495|   449
1984-85 ...|  509|  514|   503|  500|  522|   480|  431|  437|   425|  475|  499|   452
1985-86 ...|  509|  515|   504|  500|  523|   479|  431|  437|   426|  475|  501|   451
           |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
1986-87 ...|  507|  512|   502|  501|  523|   481|  430|  435|   425|  476|  500|   453
1987-88 ...|  505|  512|   499|  501|  521|   483|  428|  435|   422|  476|  498|   455
1988-89 ...|  504|  510|   498|  502|  523|   482|  427|  434|   421|  476|  500|   454
1989-90 ...|  500|  505|   496|  501|  521|   483|  424|  429|   419|  476|  499|   455
1990-91 ...|  499|  503|   495|  500|  520|   482|  422|  426|   418|  474|  497|   453
           |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
1991-92 ...|  500|  504|   496|  501|  521|   484|  423|  428|   419|  476|  499|   456
1992-93 ...|  500|  504|   497|  503|  524|   484|  424|  428|   420|  478|  502|   457
1993-94 ...|  499|  501|   497|  504|  523|   487|  423|  425|   421|  479|  501|   460
1994-95 ...|  504|  505|   502|  506|  525|   490|  428|  429|   426|  482|  503|   463
1995-96 ...|  505|  507|   503|  508|  527|   492| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
           |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
1996-97 ...|  505|  507|   503|  511|  530|   494| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
1997-98 ...|  505|  509|   502|  512|  531|   496| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
1998-99 ...|  505|  509|   502|  511|  531|   495| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
1999-2000 .|  505|  507|   504|  514|  533|   498| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
2000-01 ...|  506|  509|   502|  514|  533|   498| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
           |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
2001-02 ...|  504|  507|   502|  516|  534|   500| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
2002-03 ...|  507|  512|   503|  519|  537|   503| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---
2003-04 ...|  508|  512|   504|  518|  537|   501| --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- |  ---

---Not available.
\1\Formerly known as the Scholastic Assessment Test. Data for 1967 to 1986 were converted to the recentered scale by using a formula applied to the original mean and standard deviation. For 1987 to 1995, individual student scores were converted to the recentered scale and recomputed. For 1996 to 2003, most students received scores on the recentered scale score. Any score on the original scale was converted to the recentered scale prior to recomputing the mean.

NOTE: Data for the years 1966-67 through 1970-71 are estimates derived from the test scores of all participants. The SAT was formerly known as the Scholastic Assessment Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Possible scores on each part of the SAT range from 200 to 800.

SOURCE: College Entrance Examination Board, National Report on College-Bound Seniors, selected years, 1966-67 through 2002-03. (This table was prepared January 2005.)