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Student Performance

How well did fourth-grade students perform on the WCBA Study?

In 2012, NAEP administered the Writing Computer-Based Assessment (WCBA) to around 13,000 fourth-grade students nationwide. The students were provided a laptop and headphones to fully engage with the computer-based assessment, which included video and audio. Students completed either two 30-minute writing tasks or three 20-minute writing tasks. The WCBA captured a snapshot of students’ abilities to develop, organize, and express their ideas to achieve a purpose and address a specified audience.

The tabs in this section describe lessons learned about fourth-grade students’ ability to write using the computer. Results are for students who completed two 30-minute tasks, unless otherwise noted. Student actions were also analyzed for the lowest performing 20 percent of students, the highest performing 20 percent of students, and the students performing in between those groups.

WCBA Student Performance Image.
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Last updated 10 January 2022 (AA)