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NAEP Technical DocumentationQuality Control for Weighting Procedures for the 2008 Arts Assessment




Main Quality Control Findings of Interest

Participation, Exclusion, and Accommodation Rates

Nonresponse Bias Analyses

Given the complexity of the weighting procedures utilized in NAEP, a range of quality control (QC) checks was conducted throughout the weighting process to identify potential problems with collected student-level demographic data or with specific weighting procedures. The QC processes included

To validate the weighting process, extensive tabulations of various school and student characteristics at different stages of the process were conducted. The school-level characteristics included in the tabulations were racial/ethnic enrollment, median income (based on the school zip code area), and locale. At the student level, the tabulations included race/ethnicity, gender, relative age, students with disability (SD) status, English language learners (ELL) status, and National School Lunch Program (NSLP) participation status.

Last updated 21 December 2009 (JL)