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NAEP Technical DocumentationGeography Assessment Estimation Variables for 2010

Variables used in the population-structure model for the geography 2010 assessment are listed and described below.

Variables used for main effects and interactions in the population structure model:

  • Hispanic – This variable has three levels: yes, no, or missing.
  • Race variables (from the student background questionnaire) – There are five variables: White, Black, Asian, American Indian, and Pacific Islander. These variables are marked as either “yes” or “missing.” Students are allowed to fill in more than one oval and, therefore, each one is a separate background variable.
  • DSEX – School reported gender. This variable has three levels: male, female, or missing.
  • DRACEM – Student reported race. This variable has eight levels: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, multi-racial, other, and missing.
  • SDRACEM – School reported race. This variable has seven levels: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, other, and missing.
  • SCHTYPE – Type of school. This variable has six levels: public, private, Catholic, Bureau of Indian Education, Department of Defense, and missing.
  • CENSREG – Regions as defined by the Census Bureau. This variable has six levels: Northeast, Midwest, South, West, DoDEA International, and missing.
  • UTOL4 – Type of location. This variable has five levels: city, suburb, town, rural, and missing.
  • LRGCTY – Large city. This variable has three levels: Large City, Not LC, and missing.
  • PARED – Parents education level. Information for this variable is collected from students at grades 8 and 12 only. It has six levels: did not graduate high school, high school graduate, some post high school education, college graduate, unknown, and missing.
  • SLUNCH1 – School reported free or reduced-price school lunch. This variable has four levels: eligible, not eligible, not available, and missing.
  • ELL3 – English language learner. This variable has four levels: yes, no, formerly, and missing.
  • SD3 – School-reported student with disability. This variable has four levels: Yes–IEP, Yes–504, No–not SD, and missing.
  • ACCOM2Accommodations. This variable has three levels: accommodated, not accommodated, and missing.
  • TUALFLG3 – Trial Urban Assessment. This variable has five levels: NotDist, Dist, 2ndDist, 3rdDist, and missing.
  • CHRTRPT – Charter school flag. This variable has three levels: yes, no, and missing

Main effects not used in interactions:

  • UTOL12 – Type of location. This variable has 13 levels: LrgCity, MidCity, SmlCity, LrgSubrb, MidSubrb, SmlSubrb, FrgTown, DistTown, RmtTown, FrgRural, DistRural, RmtRural, and missing.
  • MODAGE – Modal age of sample. This variable has four levels: <Modal, AtModal, >Modal, and missing.  
  • SLUNCH – School lunch. This variable has seven levels: not eligible, reduced, free, no information, refusal, not part, and missing.
  • 14 Additional Accommodations Variables – These variables (DirAldSpan, BilBook, BilDict, ReadAloud, Braille, LargPrint, Magnif, Scrib/PC, SmallGrp, OneOnOne, StaffAdmin, ExtTime, Breaks, Other) are from the front cover; each one is a separate background variable, scored as Yes or Missing.
  • CENSDIV – Census division. This variable has 11 levels: NewEngla, Midatl, Eastnoce, Westnoce, Southatl, Eastsoce, Westsoce, Mountain, Pacific, DoDEAInternational, and Missing.
  • SENROLx – Number of enrolled students. This variable has six levels: five categories of enrollment sizes and missing.
  • PCTBLKC – Percentage of Black students. This variable has six levels: 0, 1–5, 6–25, 26–50, 51+, and Missing.
  • PCTHSPC – Percentage of Hispanic students. This variable has six levels: 0, 1–5, 6–25, 26–50, 51+, and Missing.
  • PCTASNC – Percentage of Asian students. This variable has six levels: 0, 1–5, 6–25, 26–50, 51+, and Missing.
  • PCTINDC – Percentage of American Indian students. This variable has six levels: 0, 1–5, 6–25, 26–-50, 51+, and Missing.
  • FIPS – Federal Information Processing Standards. This variable is defined for public school students in participating states.
  • FIPSAI – Federal Information Processing Standards; indicates if student is American Indian and in public or BIE school. This variable has 53 levels: 50 states, District of Columbia, DoDDS, and Missing.

Two-way interactions included in the population structure model: For grades 4 and 8, two-way interactions were examined between DSEX and SDRACEM and between all other main effect variables and DSEX and DRACEM. For grade 12, all main effects listed above were used to examine two-way interactions.

Three-way interactions included in the population structure model: For grades 4 and 8, no three-way interactions were used. For grade 12, three-way interactions included Hispanic x 5 race variables x each of the main effects listed above.

Other variables:

  • School questionnaire (PDFs) – consists of school characteristics, subject-specific, and charter school sections: Grade 4 (894K), Civics, Geography, U.S. History and Writing.
  • Teacher questionnaire (PDFs) - Grade 4 (873K), Civics, Geography, U.S. History and Writing and Grade 8 (793K), Civics, Geography and U.S. History. The items regarding years experience have been collapsed into the following derived variables: 

– YRSEXP – Years teaching experience. This variable has five levels: 0–4, 5–9, 10–19, 20+, and missing.

– YRSLART (grade 8 only) – Years teaching experience language arts. This variable has five levels: 0–4, 5–9, 10–19, 20+, and missing.

– YRSMATH (grade 8 only) – Years teaching experience mathematics. This variable has five levels: 0–4, 5–9, 10–19, 20+, and missing.

– YRSSCI (grade 8 only) – Years teaching experience science. This variable has five levels: 0–4, 5–9, 10–19, 20+, and missing. 

  • NIES Student (grades 4 and 8 only) – Does not include the open-ended items at the end regarding name of group and anything else to say. This variable has six levels: 0, 1–5, 6–25, 26–50, 51+, and Missing.
  • NIES School (grades 4 and 8 only) – Does not include title, years held position, years principal at school, number of American Indian students in school, main ways involved in school, and anything to say.
  • NIES Teacher (grades 4 and 8 only) – Does not include years taught at school, classroom activities effective, name of group, and anything else to say, and race/ethnicity questions.
  • Students with disabilities (SD) questionnaire: (PDF) (111K).
  • English language learner (ELL) questionnaire: (PDF) (101K).

Last updated 05 January 2016 (GF)