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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 397. Pupils per teacher in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by level of education and country: Selected years, 1985 to 2002

                |               Elementary            |     Junior high school (lower secondary)   |Senior high school (upper secondary)
Country         |_____________________________________|____________________________________________|___________________________________
                |  1985|  1990| 1996| 2000| 2001| 2002|  1985 |  1990 |  1996|  2000|  2001|   2002|1985|1990|1996|  2000|  2001|  2002
1               |    2 |    3 |    4|    5|    6|    7|      8|      9|    10|    11|    12|     13|  14|  15|  16|    17|    18|    19
Australia ......|\113.8|  --- | 18.1| 17.3| 17.0| 16.9|   --- |   --- |  --- |  --- |   ---|   12.5| 3.2|--- |--- |  --- |  --- |  12.5
Austria ........|  11.3|  11.6| 12.7| --- | 14.3| 14.4|    9.2|    7.7|   9.2|  --- |   9.8|    9.8|15.2|12.4| 8.5|  --- |   9.9|  10.3
Belgium ........|  --- |  --- | --- | 15.0| 13.4| 13.1|   --- |   --- |  --- |  --- |  --- |    9.3|--- |--- |--- |  --- |  --- |   9.3
Canada .........|  18.1|  17.1| 17.0| 18.1| 18.3| --- |   16.0|   15.5|  20.0|  18.1|  18.4|   --- |16.0|15.3|19.5|  19.5|  17.2|  ---
Denmark ........|  12.7|  11.2| 11.2| 10.4| 10.0| 10.9|   10.2|    9.3|  10.1|  11.4|  11.1|   10.9|14.8|13.3|12.1|  14.4|  13.9|  14.2
                |      |      |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |       |    |    |    |      |      |
France .........|  --- |  --- | 19.5| 19.8| 19.5| 19.4|   --- |   --- |  --- |  14.7|  13.5|   13.7|--- |--- |--- |  10.4|  11.2|  10.6
Germany\2\ .....|  20.7|  20.3| 20.9| 19.8| 19.4| 18.9|   16.9|   14.6|  16.0|  15.7|  15.7|   15.7|23.7|21.0|13.1|  13.9|  13.7|  13.6
Ireland ........|  --- |  --- | 22.6| 21.5| 20.3| 19.5|   --- |   --- |  --- |  15.9|  15.2|   14.3| 7.2| 8.3|--- |  --- |  --- |  14.3
Italy ..........|  12.8|  10.7| 11.2| 11.0| 10.8| 10.6|    9.6|    8.5|  10.8|  10.4|   9.9|    9.9|10.8|10.7| 9.8|  10.2|  10.4|  10.3
Japan ..........|  --- |\120.8| 19.7| 20.9| 20.6| 20.3|   --- |   18.6|  16.2|  16.8|  16.6|   16.2|--- |16.2|15.6|  14.0|  14.0|  13.7
                |      |      |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |       |    |    |    |      |      |
Netherlands ....|  20.2|  19.2| 20.0| 16.8| 17.2| 17.0|   12.7|   12.4|  --- |  --- |  --- |   15.9|--- |--- |--- |  --- |  --- |  15.9
New Zealand ....|  20.1|  19.1| 22.0| 20.6| 19.6| 19.6|   --- |   --- |  18.1|  19.9|  18.7|   19.4|--- |--- |14.1|  13.1|  12.8|  13.8
Norway .........|  --- |  --- | --- | 12.4| 11.6| 11.5|   --- |   --- |  --- |   9.9|   9.3|   10.3|--- |--- |--- |   9.7|   9.2|   9.2
Portugal .......|  --- |  --- | --- | 12.1| 11.6| 11.0|   --- |   --- |  --- |  10.4|   9.9|    9.3|--- |--- |--- |   7.9|   8.0|   7.5
Spain ..........|  26.8|  21.2| 18.0| 14.9| 14.7| 14.6|   21.4|   18.8|  17.8|  --- |  --- |   13.7|15.3|14.8|14.2|  --- |  --- |   8.3
                |      |      |     |     |     |     |       |       |      |      |      |       |    |    |    |      |      |
Sweden .........|  11.6|  10.6| 12.7| 12.8| 12.4| 12.5|   10.8|   10.2|  12.2|  12.8|  12.4|   12.2|13.1|11.9|15.2|  15.2|  16.6|  14.1
Turkey .........|  31.1|  30.6| --- | 30.5| 29.8| 27.5|   41.3|   48.4|    † |    † |    † |     † |11.0|12.1|--- |  14.0|  17.2|  17.7
United Kingdom .|  19.7|  22.0| 21.3| 21.2| 20.5| 19.9|   --- |   18.5|  16.0|\317.6|\317.3|\3 17.6|11.1|13.9|15.3|\312.5|\312.3|\312.5
United States ..|  17.0|  15.6| 16.9| 15.8| 16.3| 15.5|   16.5|   15.9|  17.5|  16.3|  17.0|   15.5|16.2|15.8|14.7|  14.1|  14.8|  15.6

---Not available.
†Not applicable.

NOTE: In this table, U.S. data for Elementary correspond to grades 1 through 6; Junior high school corresponds to grades 7 through 9; and Senior high school corresponds to grades 10 through 12.
\1\Public schools only.
\2\Data for 1985 are for the former West Germany.
\3\Includes only general programs in lower and upper secondary education.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance, 2004 and selected years. (This table was prepared April 2005.)