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Digest of Education Statistics
2004 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 138. Percent of high school sophomores who say they engage in various activities, by selected student and school characteristics: 1990 and 2002

                              |          |          Sex        |                       Race/ethnicity                    |        Socioeconomic status\1\ |    Control of school attended
Activity                      |     Total|_____________________|_________________________________________________________|________________________________|________________________________
                              |          |          |          |    White,|    Black,|  Hispanic|    Asian/| American In-|          |          |          |          |          |
                              |          |      Male|    Female|     non- |     non- |          |   Pacific|  dian/Alaska|      Low |    Middle|      High|    Public|  Catholic|    Other
                              |          |          |          |  Hispanic|  Hispanic|          |  Islander|       Native|          |          |          |          |          |  private
1                             |        2 |        3 |        4 |         5|         6|         7|         8|            9|        10|        11|        12|        13|        14|       15
1990                          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
At least once a week          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
  Use personal computer\2\ ...|12.7(0.46)|16.5(0.80)| 8.8(0.47)|13.8(0.53)|10.4(1.73)| 7.3(0.88)|13.0(1.71)|  17.3 (6.14)| 6.1(0.73)|12.2(0.61)|16.6(0.93)|12.5(0.49)|23.0(2.40)| 8.3(1.27)
  Work on hobbies ............|33.4(0.72)|37.5(1.17)|29.4(0.86)|36.0(0.77)|26.9(2.80)|26.6(1.93)|24.3(2.58)|  34.7 (6.71)|27.1(1.35)|35.2(1.10)|34.8(1.27)|34.2(0.79)|41.1(2.75)|21.6(2.16)
  Perform community service ..| 6.0(0.35)| 4.9(0.51)| 7.0(0.47)| 6.0(0.43)| 6.5(1.08)| 5.7(0.79)| 5.8(1.18)|   3.9 (2.73)| 4.7(0.67)| 5.8(0.38)| 6.8(0.74)| 6.0(0.39)| 9.7(1.38)| 3.5(0.83)
  Driving or riding around ...|44.7(0.80)|45.1(1.27)|44.3(0.99)|48.4(0.82)|37.3(3.50)|34.3(2.27)|26.1(2.93)|  41.1 (7.62)|41.3(1.61)|49.8(1.31)|40.7(1.34)|47.7(0.90)|47.4(2.62)|14.7(1.73)
  Do things with friends .....|64.9(0.84)|57.2(1.31)|72.7(1.03)|68.6(0.86)|62.5(3.61)|50.1(2.55)|54.3(3.56)|  39.5 (7.16)|55.0(1.78)|71.0(1.17)|63.3(1.44)|67.8(0.90)|82.0(2.18)|28.2(2.05)
  Take music, art, or dance   |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
    class ....................|16.8(0.52)|12.0(0.71)|21.8(0.74)|18.0(0.59)|13.2(1.80)|13.2(1.33)|18.5(2.08)|  13.8 (4.64)|10.4(0.75)|17.9(0.78)|19.1(0.98)|16.9(0.57)|25.7(2.38)|11.5(1.32)
  Take sports lessons ........|10.6(0.42)|12.5(0.69)| 8.7(0.48)|10.8(0.43)| 9.2(1.79)|10.3(1.41)|13.1(1.82)|  11.6 (4.28)| 6.9(0.75)|10.3(0.59)|12.9(0.80)|10.5(0.45)|14.5(1.64)| 9.1(1.49)
  Play ball or other sport ...|39.3(0.83)|52.6(1.32)|26.0(0.83)|38.8(0.77)|45.0(4.17)|35.6(2.33)|41.7(3.45)|  47.5 (8.31)|32.1(1.46)|42.0(1.36)|40.2(1.35)|40.3(0.92)|48.5(2.65)|24.8(2.30)
                              |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
More than an hour a day       |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
  Reading for pleasure .......|14.5(0.49)|11.2(0.64)|17.9(0.70)|15.8(0.55)|10.8(1.61)|11.5(1.38)|12.5(1.86)|  10.7 (4.06)|11.3(0.89)|15.8(0.78)|14.8(0.83)|14.7(0.52)|16.2(2.00)|11.6(1.67)
  Plays video games ..........|10.1(0.45)|14.7(0.78)| 5.5(0.44)| 9.4(0.43)|15.1(2.14)|10.0(1.61)| 7.9(2.03)|   8.1 (2.29)| 9.9(0.89)|11.0(0.64)| 9.1(0.82)|10.4(0.49)|10.6(1.82)| 6.9(1.40)
                              |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
Five or more hours on         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
   weekdays                   |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
  Watches television .........|18.8(0.76)|18.8(1.31)|18.9(0.75)|17.9(0.59)|28.6(4.51)|15.7(1.33)|14.7(2.03)|  18.8 (4.27)|27.0(1.44)|23.8(1.46)| 8.8(0.58)|19.9(0.85)|16.7(1.71)|10.3(1.95)
                              |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
2002                          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
At least once a week          |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
  Use personal computer       |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
     at home .................|71.2(0.44)|70.8(0.62)|71.6(0.62)|79.8(0.51)|53.5(1.29)|54.2(1.23)|80.1(1.38)|  57.2 (4.60)|51.4(0.97)|73.1(0.62)|87.1(0.64)|70.1(0.47)|89.6(0.73)|78.0(1.34)
  Work on hobbies ............|41.8(0.49)|42.6(0.69)|41.0(0.68)|42.3(0.63)|39.5(1.26)|40.0(1.21)|40.7(1.68)|  46.9 (3.84)|38.9(0.95)|42.5(0.69)|43.4(0.98)|41.9(0.52)|43.1(1.25)|38.9(1.60)
  Perform community service ..|10.6(0.30)| 8.6(0.39)|12.7(0.46)| 9.9(0.38)|11.8(0.84)|10.9(0.76)|13.8(1.08)|   8.9 (2.25)| 9.1(0.56)| 9.8(0.41)|13.7(0.67)|10.2(0.32)|18.0(0.96)|11.6(1.03)
  Driving or riding around ...|56.7(0.48)|57.5(0.69)|55.8(0.68)|61.3(0.62)|55.8(1.26)|44.3(1.23)|37.9(1.72)|  71.8 (3.32)|54.0(0.95)|58.8(0.68)|54.9(0.97)|56.9(0.52)|54.7(1.25)|51.9(1.62)
  Do things with friends .....|71.8(0.44)|62.5(0.68)|81.1(0.54)|73.5(0.57)|75.4(1.10)|64.6(1.20)|62.3(1.62)|  61.2 (4.39)|66.2(0.92)|73.6(0.62)|73.5(0.88)|71.4(0.48)|78.9(1.04)|71.8(1.49)
  Take music, art, or         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
     language class ..........|19.5(0.39)|13.4(0.48)|25.7(0.60)|20.0(0.51)|19.6(1.02)|15.6(0.91)|24.4(1.55)|  16.9 (3.51)|14.6(0.69)|18.6(0.54)|26.2(0.84)|18.9(0.41)|25.8(1.11)|27.4(1.51)
  Take sports lessons ........|22.6(0.41)|24.2(0.60)|21.1(0.56)|24.1(0.55)|22.5(1.07)|19.5(0.95)|17.8(1.34)|  17.0 (2.66)|16.2(0.73)|22.4(0.59)|29.5(0.88)|21.9(0.44)|34.4(1.20)|28.3(1.44)
  Play non-school sports .....|35.5(0.47)|44.5(0.70)|26.4(0.61)|36.6(0.62)|33.8(1.22)|33.5(1.16)|33.6(1.67)|  36.8 (3.92)|30.7(0.90)|35.5(0.68)|40.1(0.97)|35.3(0.51)|42.8(1.25)|31.1(1.49)
                              |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
More than an hour a day       |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
  Reading for pleasure .......|48.2(0.49)|43.2(0.70)|53.2(0.69)|46.7(0.63)|51.0(1.31)|49.4(1.26)|50.7(1.75)|  47.1 (4.02)|47.6(0.98)|46.4(0.70)|52.4(0.96)|48.2(0.53)|47.0(1.24)|51.2(1.62)
  Plays video/computer games .|25.2(0.43)|38.3(0.68)|11.9(0.46)|23.5(0.55)|29.2(1.15)|27.2(1.11)|22.6(1.50)|  26.6 (3.76)|28.5(0.88)|26.7(0.63)|18.7(0.78)|25.8(0.46)|20.0(1.00)|15.3(1.15)
                              |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
Five or more hours on         |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
   weekdays                   |          |          |          |          |          |          |          |             |          |          |          |          |          |
  Watches television .........|36.5(0.47)|38.2(0.68)|34.8(0.66)|31.4(0.60)|51.3(1.27)|41.8(1.22)|34.9(1.80)|  37.4 (4.14)|42.8(0.97)|38.1(0.68)|27.0(0.88)|37.4(0.51)|28.5(1.13)|22.4(1.36)

\1\Socioeconomic status (SES) was measured by a composite score on parental education and occupations, and family income. The "low" SES group is the lowest quartile; the "middle" SES group is the middle two quartiles; and the "high" SES group is the upper quartile.
\2\Question does not specify where computer is used.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88/90), "First Follow-up Student Survey, 1990;" and Education Longitudinal Study of 2002, Base Year (ELS:02). (This table was prepared May 2005.)