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Digest of Education Statistics
2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 228. Employees in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity, primary occupation, sex, employment status, and control and type of institution: Fall 2001

                                         |         |         |       |        |        |American|        |
        Primary occupation, sex,         |         | White,  |Black, |        | Asian/ |Indian/ |  Non-  |  Race/
 employment status, and type and control |  Total  |  non-   | non-  |Hispanic|Pacific |Alaskan |resident|ethnicity
             of institution              |         |Hispanic |Hispani|        |Islander| native | alien  | unknown
                    1                    |    2    |    3    |   4   |   5    |   6    |   7    |   8    |    9
Total, all institutions .................|3,083,353|2,232,847|309,252| 157,128| 148,945|  18,423| 135,026|   81,732
  Professional staff ....................|2,132,150|1,600,939|141,535|  75,120| 111,797|  10,831| 125,033|   66,895
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|  152,038|  125,770| 14,171|   5,412|   3,662|     910|     674|    1,439
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|1,113,183|  881,243| 61,849|  36,376|  54,869|   5,346|  28,949|   44,551
    Instruction and research assistants .|  261,136|  134,774|  9,203|   7,869|  20,442|   1,135|  76,188|   11,525
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  605,793|  459,152| 56,312|  25,463|  32,824|   3,440|  19,222|    9,380
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  951,203|  631,908|167,717|  82,008|  37,148|   7,592|   9,993|   14,837
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Men, total ..............................|1,451,773|1,051,988|117,746|  68,967|  76,269|   8,082|  84,720|   44,001
  Professional staff ....................|1,105,053|  826,070| 57,743|  36,080|  61,866|   5,150|  80,231|   37,913
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   79,348|   67,150|  6,132|   2,589|   1,909|     427|     399|      742
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  644,514|  509,616| 29,831|  20,147|  35,447|   2,852|  19,885|   26,736
    Instruction and research assistants .|  142,120|   67,555|  3,611|   3,813|  11,638|     514|  48,757|    6,232
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  239,071|  181,749| 18,169|   9,531|  12,872|   1,357|  11,190|    4,203
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  346,720|  225,918| 60,003|  32,887|  14,403|   2,932|   4,489|    6,088
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Women, total ............................|1,631,580|1,180,859|191,506|  88,161|  72,676|  10,341|  50,306|   37,731
  Professional staff ....................|1,027,097|  774,869| 83,792|  39,040|  49,931|   5,681|  44,802|   28,982
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   72,690|   58,620|  8,039|   2,823|   1,753|     483|     275|      697
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  468,669|  371,627| 32,018|  16,229|  19,422|   2,494|   9,064|   17,815
    Instruction and research assistants .|  119,016|   67,219|  5,592|   4,056|   8,804|     621|  27,431|    5,293
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  366,722|  277,403| 38,143|  15,932|  19,952|   2,083|   8,032|    5,177
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  604,483|  405,990|107,714|  49,121|  22,745|   4,660|   5,504|    8,749
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Full-time, total ........................|2,043,208|1,520,204|236,129| 112,274|  99,844|  12,930|  42,644|   19,183
  Professional staff ....................|1,283,684|1,014,658| 94,916|  46,028|  70,717|   6,745|  37,553|   13,067
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|  146,523|  121,369| 13,720|   5,231|   3,541|     876|     634|    1,152
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  617,868|  499,557| 31,681|  18,514|  38,026|   2,775|  20,755|    6,560
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  519,293|  393,732| 49,515|  22,283|  29,150|   3,094|  16,164|    5,355
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  759,524|  505,546|141,213|  66,246|  29,127|   6,185|   5,091|    6,116
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Part-time, total ........................|1,040,145|  712,643| 73,123|  44,854|  49,101|   5,493|  92,382|   62,549
  Professional staff ....................|  848,466|  586,281| 46,619|  29,092|  41,080|   4,086|  87,480|   53,828
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|    5,515|    4,401|    451|     181|     121|      34|      40|      287
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  495,315|  381,686| 30,168|  17,862|  16,843|   2,571|   8,194|   37,991
    Instruction and research assistants .|  261,136|  134,774|  9,203|   7,869|  20,442|   1,135|  76,188|   11,525
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|   86,500|   65,420|  6,797|   3,180|   3,674|     346|   3,058|    4,025
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  191,679|  126,362| 26,504|  15,762|   8,021|   1,407|   4,902|    8,721
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Public 4-year ...........................|1,558,576|1,102,022|153,297|  76,737|  89,834|  10,342|  97,978|   28,366
  Professional staff ....................|1,069,161|  775,811| 66,408|  35,904|  69,445|   5,911|  93,596|   22,086
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   60,245|   49,255|  6,207|   2,148|   1,471|     346|     248|      570
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  438,459|  345,636| 21,660|  12,833|  29,045|   2,262|  19,153|    7,870
    Instruction and research assistants .|  218,260|  115,345|  7,576|   6,384|  17,156|     985|  62,683|    8,131
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  352,197|  265,575| 30,965|  14,539|  21,773|   2,318|  11,512|    5,515
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  489,415|  326,211| 86,889|  40,833|  20,389|   4,431|   4,382|    6,280
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Private 4-year ..........................|  912,924|  669,591| 96,891|  40,320|  41,230|   2,631|  33,798|   28,463
  Professional staff ....................|  627,364|  482,505| 41,628|  18,282|  30,652|   1,565|  29,281|   23,451
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   65,739|   55,430|  5,541|   1,896|   1,643|     167|     405|      657
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  325,713|  260,161| 16,367|   7,688|  15,954|     796|   7,919|   16,828
    Instruction and research assistants .|   41,611|   18,555|  1,485|   1,432|   3,260|     103|  13,493|    3,283
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|  194,301|  148,359| 18,235|   7,266|   9,795|     499|   7,464|    2,683
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  285,560|  187,086| 55,263|  22,038|  10,578|   1,066|   4,517|    5,012
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Public 2-year ...........................|  578,394|  435,674| 55,916|  38,085|  16,889|   5,001|   3,180|   23,649
  Professional staff ....................|  408,792|  321,570| 31,089|  19,601|  10,956|   3,103|   2,102|   20,371
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|   22,566|   18,191|  2,172|   1,231|     462|     353|      16|      141
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|  332,665|  262,453| 22,443|  15,154|   9,398|   2,173|   1,844|   19,200
    Instruction and research assistants .|    1,215|      832|    140|      51|      25|      47|      11|      109
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|   52,346|   40,094|  6,334|   3,165|   1,071|     530|     231|      921
  Nonprofessional staff .................|  169,602|  114,104| 24,827|  18,484|   5,933|   1,898|   1,078|    3,278
                                         |         |         |       |        |        |        |        |
Private 2-year ..........................|   33,459|   25,560|  3,148|   1,986|     992|     449|      70|    1,254
  Professional staff ....................|   26,833|   21,053|  2,410|   1,333|     744|     252|      54|      987
    Executive/administrative/managerial .|    3,488|    2,894|    251|     137|      86|      44|       5|       71
    Faculty (instruction and research) ..|   16,346|   12,993|  1,379|     701|     472|     115|      33|      653
    Instruction and research assistants .|       50|       42|      2|       2|       1|       0|       1|        2
    Non-faculty professionals ...........|    6,949|    5,124|    778|     493|     185|      93|      15|      261
  Nonprofessional staff .................|    6,626|    4,507|    738|     653|     248|     197|      16|      267

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Winter 2001-02. (This table was prepared September 2003.)

2003 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest